Chapter 7

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Diana and Robert soon arrived at the DIY store. Robert parked the car in the almost empty parking lot.

They both got out of the car and made their way towards the store in a comfortable silence.

"Have you had time to unpack your stuff yet?" Diana said making conversation.

"Almost, just a few boxes left. So you're going to need a stronger padlock, the one you have looks quite old." He said, walking up to the padlocks on display.

"Yeah, it's seen better days. How about this one?" Diana pointed to one of the larger padlocks with a pretty silver key attached.

"That one should be ok, is there anything else you need?" Robert asked picking up the lock.

"No, I think that's it." They began walking over to the check out. Diana couldn't help but notice the cute guy working on the till checking Robert out.

"Hey there tall, dark and handsome. Need any help with your 'packing'?" The young man asked, winking at a bemused Robert.

"Er, we're fine, thanks." Robert stood awkwardly as Diana found it hard not to laugh at the situation.

"That'll be eight fifty, please." Robert had insisted he pay for it on the way here, he handed the money over to the young cashier - who's name was Jeremy - and gave him an awkward, forced smile.

"Here's your change and receipt." Jeremy said whilst smiling at Robert. Robert glanced down and saw a number scrawled at the bottom of the receipt. Diana caught it out of the corner of her eyes and hand to stifle her laughter with her hand.

"Erm listen... Jeremy-" Robert was cut off half way through his sentence by Diana.

"Jeremy, you seem like a lovely guy, but my best friend here only came out last year and well, he's not gotten over his first relationship with a man. I'm very sorry." Diana said finding it hard to keep a straight face while Robert shot daggers at her.

"Oh I understand, you'll be okay soon." He grinned at Robert. "When you're ready to get back out there you know where I am hot stuff." Jeremy winked as Diana and Robert began walking out the store.

Diana could already sense what Robert was about to do next as she slipped her heels off and held onto them.

"Oh Diana." Robert said in a knowing voice whilst coming towards her. Diana began to quicken her pace as she heard Robert laugh wickedly.

"Robert, you know it was only a bit of fun." She said hoping he'd stop and drop it.

"I don't think so." Robert began to run towards her and Diana let out a high pitched squeak as she bolted. Robert chased her around a few cars but eventually he lost sight of her.

"Diana, come out, come out wherever you are." Robert began searching for her behind cars but soon enough he saw her feet. Diana knew he was close so she jumped up and ran as fast as she could but ended up bumping into an old man's cart.

"You watch where ya going, stupid kids." The old man cursed as he walked off towards the store.

Diana got up off the floor wiping her behind, she knew she'd have a bruise there tomorrow. Suddenly two arms wrapped around her waist as she was hoisted over Robert's shoulder.


"Gotcha. Now what should your punishment be?" Robert teased whilst having a nice look at her round bottom. He was almost tempted to have a squeeze.

"Robert, put me down!" Diana huffed as she wriggled in Roberts arms. Robert began laughing hysterically as she flung her legs out and began punching his back.

"That was hilarious, you should really watch where you're going. I mean, first my car door, now that old man's cart." Robert teased as Diana slapped his back.

"Hey! That wasn't my fault. You hit me, but I do admit the cart was my fault." She giggled and stopped trying to get free.

"I knew you'd give up eventually," he smirked and gave her a behind a cheeky pinch, which earned him a cute yelp from Diana. "I seem to remember you running into my car door, but we'll let that go."

Once they were at his car he put her down and went to receive her dropped shoes. He handed them back with a grin. Robert was now towering over her now she wasn't in those heels. Diana looked up at Robert and saw him staring at her. She blushed a light shade of pink and smiled at him.

"You're very beautiful, Diana." He said pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear, he gently stroked the side of her face.

"Thank you, Robert." She smiled up at him, her gaze soon dropped from his eyes down to his lips. Robert gave her a big smile and Diana noticed that he had a dimple on the right side of his mouth, she also noticed that he had some faint freckles on his nose and cheeks.

"We should have some food, I'm famished." Robert said turning to his car door.

"Yes, let's." Diana got into the passenger side of the car as Robert started the ignition.

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