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THE TENSION IN THE ROOM HEIGHTENED AS CORAL AND HER PACK CLOSED IN ON LUCY GRAY IN THE ARENA. Seraphina, despite her icy demeanor, found herself sitting up in her seat, her emerald eyes glinting with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

The corners of her lips curled into a subtle, sinister smile as she watched the impending confrontation.

"Here we go!" Lucky commentated.

Coriolanus, on the other hand, whispered a faint "Oh no" under his breath, his concern evident.

His eyes remained glued to the screen, mirroring the worry etched on his face.

The contrast between Seraphina's calculated enthusiasm and Coriolanus's apprehension painted a vivid picture of their conflicting emotions in that critical moment of the Games.

The air in the room crackled with suspense as the fates of the tributes hung in the balance.

As the Pack closed in on Lucy Gray, Seraphina's gaze remained fixed on the screen, her emerald eyes assessing the unfolding situation.

Lucky Flickerman's commentary filled the room, narrating the perilous moment.

In contrast, Coriolanus appeared to be taking matters into his own hands, tapping away on his communipad with a sense of urgency.

"Look at this. The Pack doing what they do best. Packing it in," Lucky remarked, capturing the intensity of the scene.

Seraphina observed Coriolanus's actions, her eyebrow furrowing in confusion as he seemingly sent water to Lucy Gray in the midst of the chaos.

"Lucy Gray is swarmed, cornered. Mizzen, propelling his net," Lucky continued, keeping the audience engaged.

Seraphina's attention remained on the screen, her mind working to decipher the unfolding events.

"Mr. Snow going for his communipad," Lucky commented, and Seraphina watched as Coriolanus sent drones with water, causing chaos among the Pack.

The faulty drones, however, garnered criticism from Lucky and the audience.

"These drones are not very good," Lucky remarked, and Vipsania Sickle, recognizing the interference, voiced her protest.

"Hey! You can't attack the tributes," she exclaimed, directing her anger toward Coriolanus.

"I'm just sending water," Coriolanus retorted sarcastically, revealing his calculated move to aid Lucy Gray.

As Seraphina pieced together the situation, she chose to remain silent, contemplating the implications of Coriolanus's intervention.

The room buzzed with tension and confusion, mirroring the complex dynamics of the Games.

As Seraphina observed the unfolding drama in the arena, her narrowed eyes fixed on Lucy Gray, who had managed to evade Coral and her Pack, securing a water bottle unscathed.

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