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THE ABRUPT SHIFT FROM REAPER'S DEFIANT ACT TO DR. GAUL'S COLD AND CALCULATED FACE IN HER OFFICE LEFT HEAVENSBEE HALL IN AN EERIE SILENCE. The bold, framed text 'BREAKING NEWS' added an extra layer of tension, emphasizing the significance of what was about to be revealed.

Seraphina, like everyone else in the room, felt the weight of anticipation hanging in the air.

As the camera focused on Dr. Gaul's expression, her piercing eyes and composed demeanor sent shivers through the room.

The Head Gamemaker was known for her unpredictable and ruthless decisions, and whatever news she was about to deliver promised to be significant.

Seraphina's thoughts raced in the pregnant pause that followed, her mind a battleground of conflicting emotions.

The unexpected turn of events had disrupted the carefully choreographed narrative of the Hunger Games, and uncertainty now loomed over the arena.

Yet, amid the chaos, Seraphina held a clandestine satisfaction.

The turmoil she had set in motion, the defiance expressed by Reaper, was not the only thing that had garnered the attention of the Capitol's most powerful figure.

She knew, with an unsettling certainty, that Dr. Gaul's reaction was precisely what she desired.

The disruption was a move she had orchestrated to create chaos and sow the seeds of her future.

Seraphina Aveline reveled in the knowledge that, at this moment, she held a thread that could unravel the carefully woven fabric of the Capitol's most powerful.

The stage was set for the unexpected, and Seraphina eagerly awaited the next act in this twisted spectacle of power and glory.

"Capitol citizens, I'm afraid I must interrupt our Games to announce a tragic loss, one that affects us all," Dr. Gaul's voice, grave and deliberate, reached every corner of the hall. Seraphina's eyes narrowed with satisfaction.

The hushed tones of Dr. Gaul's announcement cut through the ambient noise in Heavensbee Hall, pulling the attention of Capitol citizens away from the ongoing Games.

Seraphina's ears perked up, and a subtle grin formed on her lips as she absorbed the words that heralded the culmination of her carefully orchestrated plan.

"Felix Ravinstill, son of our beloved president, has this morning succumbed to his injuries sustained in the rebel bombing." The screen displayed an image of Felix's lifeless and battered visage, provoking gasps and reactions from the students.

A surge of vindication coursed through Seraphina. Her maneuvering had brought about the downfall of the once-dominant figure.

"Out there in the districts, they will be celebrating this young boy's death as a triumph." Dr. Gaul's words, laden with disdain, resonated.

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