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THE HEAVENSBEE HALL AT THE ACADEMY BUZZED WITH THE ENERGY OF ANTICIPATION AS GRADUATING STUDENTS, adorned in their crisp uniforms, gathered for the commencement ceremony

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THE HEAVENSBEE HALL AT THE ACADEMY BUZZED WITH THE ENERGY OF ANTICIPATION AS GRADUATING STUDENTS, adorned in their crisp uniforms, gathered for the commencement ceremony.

The air was thick with a mix of excitement and nostalgia, a bittersweet symphony as one chapter of their lives concluded.

Seraphina Aveline, among the graduating students, stood regal and composed, her emerald eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions beneath her ceremonial cap and gown.

Her parents, Abraxas and Selene Aveline, adorned in opulent Capitol fashion, observed with a mix of pride and expectation as their daughter prepared to step into the next phase of her life.

Sejanus Plinth now labeled a traitor for his attempts to save Marcus during the Hunger Games, was present as well.

Despite the controversy surrounding him, his father's influence secured his place at the graduation ceremony.

The hushed whispers and sidelong glances among the students couldn't overshadow the fact that Sejanus, too, was receiving his diploma.

Coriolanus Snow, absent from the ceremony, had already embarked on his journey to District 12 for Peacekeeper training.

The void left by his absence lingered, casting a shadow over the celebratory atmosphere.

However, Sejanus Plinth, using his father's influence, had successfully persuaded the Academy to grant Coriolanus a diploma despite his absence.

As the ceremony unfolded, speeches were delivered, and diplomas were handed out.

"Seraphina Aveline, with High Honors."

Seraphina's name was called, and she walked gracefully across the stage to receive her diploma.

As Seraphina walked across the stage to receive her diploma with high honors, a surge of conflicting emotions welled up within her.

The weight of the cap and gown couldn't conceal the emptiness she felt, standing alone on the stage that was supposed to be shared with Coriolanus.

The cheers and applause from the audience seemed distant, drowned out by the echoes of their shared dreams and aspirations.

She couldn't escape the poignant realization that this moment, once envisioned together with Coriolanus, was now a solitary triumph.

The absence of his familiar presence cast a shadow over the joyous occasion, leaving her to navigate the culmination of their academic journey alone.

The diploma in her hands, symbolizing academic excellence and the culmination of years of hard work, felt bittersweet.

Seraphina's thoughts wandered to the countless conversations they had shared about this very moment, the dreams of standing side by side, celebrating their achievements together.

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