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AS THE HOUR WORE ON AND THE SKY DARKENED WITH IMPENDING RAIN, Coriolanus and Lucy Gray pressed on through the dense woods, the patter of raindrops beginning to echo softly around them

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AS THE HOUR WORE ON AND THE SKY DARKENED WITH IMPENDING RAIN, Coriolanus and Lucy Gray pressed on through the dense woods, the patter of raindrops beginning to echo softly around them.

The air grew heavy with moisture, and the forest seemed to close in around them, enveloping them in a shroud of mist and gloom.

Coriolanus glanced up at the sky, noting the darkening clouds with a sense of unease. The rain had begun to fall in earnest now, the droplets splattering against the leaves overhead and trickling down in cold rivulets along his skin.

He could feel the chill seeping into his bones, a stark reminder of the harsh reality of their situation.

Lucy Gray trudged alongside him, her steps slow and deliberate, her expression etched with determination despite the worsening weather.

Coriolanus could see the fatigue etched in the lines of her face, the strain of their journey wearing heavily upon her.

As they continued to walk, the rain intensified, transforming the forest into a sodden, shadowy landscape.

The sound of their footsteps was muffled by the steady drumming of rain on the forest floor, and the air was filled with the earthy scent of wet foliage.

Coriolanus tightened his grip on his makeshift walking stick, his senses on high alert as they navigated the slippery terrain. The darkness seemed to press in around them, casting long, twisting shadows that danced eerily in the flickering light.

Despite the adversity they faced, Coriolanus remained determined to press on, his thoughts consumed by the urgency of his mission.

With each step, he drew closer to his goal, the promise of escape and redemption beckoning to him like a distant beacon in the storm.

"Why don't we stop here at the cabin? Wait out the storm?" asked Coriolanus.

As they approached the small cabin, Coriolanus couldn't help but notice its dilapidated state.

The wooden structure was weather-beaten and worn, its roof sagging under the weight of years of neglect. A thin wisp of smoke curled lazily from the chimney, a silent testament to its solitary inhabitants.

"We should really keep going," Lucy Gray insisted, her voice tinged with urgency.

"We're going to need food, Lucy Gray. Let's catch some fish while we're here," Coriolanus suggested, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of shelter.

Inside the cabin, the atmosphere was musty and stale, the air heavy with the scent of damp wood and decay.

Coriolanus followed Lucy Gray's lead, his footsteps echoing hollowly on the creaking floorboards.

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