★ '' Mr. Advice giver ! '' ★

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JULIA : I ran to Bowie! I really did need some advice for girls. "BOWIE BOWIEE!" i stopped and breathed. I need some fucking advice from you!

BOWIE : What advice?

JULIA : Girls' advice!

BOWIE : Awhh, Julia's got a crush on a girl his voice went down quiet "and its on mk..!" He giggled.

JULIA: Bowie, I swear to god! I'll crush ur head into millions of pieces.

BOWIE : Okay, okay! Well, I was in middle school, and I found out that I was gay.. so I can tell you a bit. but who's it for~..

JULIA : Why can't you just give me advice butt knuckle!

BOWIE : Well, i know everything, about everyone! So I can tell you a lot of you tell me who it is!~

JULIA : You are so annoying. it's mk!  You could have just known, okay? ur just making me say it out loud!

BOWIE : Exactly! But let's see.. I know she really likes gaming. Her favorite flowers are roses, and she has a huge hat,            collection. Oh, and she loves stuffed animals.. she sleeps with a unicorn named Theodore with her in sleep.

JULIA: Great! I'll get her a stuffed animal and flowers, and she doesn't have a mouse, so I'll get her that! Bye bowie!

BOWIE : Wow! Not even a thank you?! Whatever, have fun, lovebirds!

JULIA : I sticked the middle finger at him and shout, "This is my thank you!" Heh. I ran off to a store and picked out the best stuff animal that I knew she would love, a mousepad, and a lots of flowers. I'll give this to her after the serect santa!!

That's all for now :3

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