★ ' Accidents happen. ' ★

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ANGST?? ISK.. Sorry, i haven't posted another part!! In like.. 2 WEEKS.

"Shit." MK was in a rush to go somewhere, "Damn it - stupid traffic.." In that moment, a car went passing by. it crashed into MKS bike, she screamed in agony, as she fell off her bike. She hit her head on the hard path and fell unconscious. The next thing MK knew, she was in a hospital bed. Her vision was blurry as her eyelids were barely opened. "Wher..e am i ??.. " MK raised her stiff arm and touched her swollen face. She rubbed her hand over her soft cheek with all the swollen parts. Then the nurse said, "You fell off your bike while a car was passing. honey, do you have anyone to contact? " MK was still dizzy but managed to get some words out of her mouth. " Julia.. girlfriend.. number- ***.." MK mumbled. " Anyone else? " The nurse asked. " No.." MK looked up with her slow eyelids. A few minutes passed, which felt like 2 hours to MK she could barely feel her body, face, or anything. Julia pulled up as she looked at MK in shock.

MK MK! Julia panicked. She slammed her purse down and bent down as she rested her arm behind her head lifting, it. It felt extremely heavy. "MK ARE YOU OKAY !? RESPOND RESPOND ! " She shaked MK as the nurse told her to stop it, MK looked to the side. " Julia .. ? " She said as she lifted her arm, directing to her. " MK BABE WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !? " she said. " Me.. Crash.. Bike ?? " MK eyelids were slowly closing, then opening. Julia kissed MK forehead as she stared in her brown eyes, MK was soberly sitting as she struggled to mumble words. She slowly let go. And just sat there quietly, and numb as fuck. all she could hear was julia and the nurse chatting. She couldn't heat what, because of all the stress. " NURSE WILL SHE BE OKAY !? " Julia squeezed hr shirt tightly. The nurse said she would be alright, just had a minor concussion. She would stay at the hostpital for about a week. Julia shouted and screamed. What would she do about this??..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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