He wants you.

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I look at Steven and put on my most polite smile. "No Steven I'm not going. Also I don't know why everyone is suddenly taken an interest in me, but tell them to back off because I'm not going. Okay?"

He looks shocked for a moment but holds his calm composure. "The guys.. they are after you because Draco is. He wants you and some of the guys - they want to get something that he can't have. Sort of to spite him you know?"

I laugh, parchly because some part of me can't believe this is true. Draco Malfoy, he can't be after me. I'm - I'm no one.

"Just to clarify", I say, " Draco's not after me and if this is all just because of pure spite then you should stop. All of you. "

Steven chuckles slightly amd traces a vein spreading up to my palm with his finger.

"Just to clarify, I am not doing this out of spite." Steven confesses.

"Okay, good for you but the answer is still no."

"Why?" He eagers and moves closer to me.

Oh I was so wrong about him.

"That's nun of your concern Steven." I take a step back.

I see Draco furiously making his way towards us, his robes rushing begin him, whipping in the harsh winds. I take that as my que to leave.

"There's other girls in the school Steven." I smile up at him and place my hand over his. "Ask them." And I release his hand letting my other fall out of his grasp.

I start to walk away from him.

"You know, y/n, you don't give yourself enough credit." Steven says as I walk away.

I glance over my shoulder to smile back at him but I see Draco nearing and he looks pissed to say the least.

"Y/n!" Draco yells.

I act like I don't hear him and continue my fast paced stride away from him, from all of this, from everything. He yells my name again, this time I can hear he is closer to me. I'm not ready to face him. I want his imagination to drive wild with what happened between me and Steven, if his mind will allow him that, just like he drives my wildest thoughts crazy.

"Y/n!" Draco yells again.

I don't stop but I do answer him. "I've got class!" I yell back hoping to set him astray.

"Y/n we don't have anymore classes left," Draco says.


"I know, I forgot something in class." I lie.

I hear Draco sigh.

"That's absurd y/n." Draco urges.

I turn around in a fury of anger looking at him because as much as I love him, I can hate him just as much at some points and this is one of them. He's standing a few feet away from me, huffing slightly out of breath, his silver hair in a disarray from the wind. There's something different glinting in his eyes. A glimmer of-

"Draco Malfoy", I snap," I do not care what you think is absurd or nor. I am leaving and don't you dare trail behind me!" I take a breath to collect myself again. " I have no idea what you want from me, but you won't get it, okay."

Untouched Draco x readerWhere stories live. Discover now