Chapter 149

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An hour later, the three of them sat in the police station.

Ye Ming tried to charm the police officer with a rapid-fire speech, but the authorities insisted that Li Zechen stay to cooperate with the investigation. Despite the others initiating the conflict, Li Zechen's actions were excessively violent. His indifferent attitude and ruthless aggression suggested he wasn't just an ordinary law-abiding citizen; a thorough investigation was deemed necessary.

Ye Ming sighed deeply. How could he leave Li Zechen alone in the police station? What if his highness got upset and refused to cooperate? What if there was a scene in the police station? Unable to get Li Zechen out, he turned to Fang Sheng for help.

"Hey, help a friend out?" Ye Ming awkwardly chuckled.

Fang Sheng slowly turned to look at Ye Ming. He had been contemplative since earlier. Now, he sized up Ye Ming and readily said, "Sure."

Ye Ming: "..."

Happiness came too quickly, like a whirlwind. He could hardly believe it! Ye Ming had prepared himself for Fang Sheng's mockery or a hefty bill, but Fang Sheng's decisive agreement left him in disbelief. Anxiously, he asked, "Really?"

Fang Sheng grinned and said, "Really."

He stood up abruptly, adjusted his collar, the effects of alcohol dissipating. He had the demeanor of a social elite. Taking out his phone, he made a call and told the police, "I'm Fang Sheng, the manager at Yunzhou Entertainment. Yue Ling is our newly signed artist. He acted in self-defense. Until the investigation is complete, you have no right to detain him. Our lawyer is on the way."

The police hesitated. "He's a dangerous person..."

Fang Sheng, with an imposing air, retorted, "He's an artist we plan to nurture, learning some martial arts for an action star path. The so-called danger comes from those who attacked us. Check the surveillance footage, and you'll see. I'm taking him with me now."

With Fang Sheng's negotiation and threats, Li Zechen was finally released. The subsequent matters would be handled by the company's lawyer. Injuring a few robbers wasn't a big deal.

Ye Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. This was the best outcome; he wouldn't have to ask his sister for help. Otherwise, dealing with a boyfriend who got into trouble after revealing him to the family would be hard to conceal. The two waited outside and, after a while, Li Zechen emerged.

The two waited outside for a while and finally saw Li Zechen coming out.

Ye Ming hurriedly approached, looking left and right. Li Zechen appeared calm and even flashed a smile at him. Ye Ming felt his heartache; indeed, in his world, once something went wrong, he became the one dealing with the aftermath. It was bitter. He said with resentment, "I told you not to intervene. Economic losses are nothing. Money can be earned back. You are the most important!"

Li Zechen's gaze softened at these words. He said, "I'm fine. They are not my match."

"Big brother, I know you're a martial arts expert from ancient times, but I'm not worried about those robbers. I'm worried about you being arrested! Can you really handle modern weapons?" Ye Ming anxiously stared at him. "This is a society governed by law. You can't just injure people. Even if you can handle them, can you handle the police? I can't guarantee your safety then."

Li Zechen didn't care much about those police officers. As the Supreme Sovereign, he wouldn't easily yield to a few constables. Moreover, he believed he had done nothing wrong. Seeing Ye Ming's worried expression, he couldn't bear to disappoint him and nodded reluctantly, saying, "I understand."

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