Chapter 161

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Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming's departing figure. Instead of immediately following, he turned towards the bathroom, examining his current appearance in the mirror.

Even though the reflection presented a completely unfamiliar person, Lu Xiuwen's emotions remained almost unchanged. His expression remained indifferent. For someone who had experienced rebirth and spent years in loneliness and despair, anything inexplicable or even the potential end of the world seemed unsurprising.

Every minute and second, he lived in despair, reflection, pain, and even while awaiting liberation. He had fantasized about every possibility, even denied his existence and his entire world.

And now, everything that happened seemed to confirm a certain speculation of his.

That is—was he a real person? Or was he just a dream of someone else, sadly developing his own consciousness? Otherwise, why could he die and come back to life, then travel to another world and become someone else?

Was this reality? Or another kind of illusion?

Why does the world exist, and why does he exist? Rebirth, transmigration, other people, beloved ones, shared lovers… Keywords floated in his mind, eventually forming a fog that seemed on the verge of revealing the truth but remained elusive.

If this is reality, if it's waking from a dream... The upcoming truth might be even more cruel than before.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again. His eyes showed no signs of any thoughts, only a deep and mysterious pool. He turned and walked out.

At this moment, Ye Ming was still unaware that the person beside him had changed. Firstly, because the time was too short, and according to the pattern, it wasn't time for a switch. Secondly, Lu Xiuwen's demeanor was too calm, not resembling an outsider.

Seeing Lu Xiuwen come out, Ye Ming flashed a bright smile at him. "I prepared breakfast for you."

At this point, Ye Little Yue was still filled with fatherly love for Jiang Ci. He felt he owed too much to the child and didn't realize that his obedient son had become his father. If he knew, he would probably be on his knees, crying and begging for mercy.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming, his eyes dimmed.

The young man before him was handsome, with fair skin and bright eyes. When he smiled, Lu Xiuwen couldn't help but think of the boy he had cared for in his palm for over a decade. Equally good-looking, gentle, beautiful—making people involuntarily fall for him.

If he could avoid thinking about those complicated things, simply believe, like Jiang Ci, Yang Qian, Ming Chong, and others, that he was dreaming or reincarnating, reuniting with his lover in another world, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Then he could tell himself that Ye Ming was Gu Ran, and it was fate that allowed him another chance to reunite with his lover. He could be blinded by the present beauty, unable to see the truth of things.

However, typically, the more toxic something is, the more beautiful and attractive it appears on the surface. One might fall into a trap without noticing. Now, was it the case?

Lu Xiuwen tightened the hand hanging by his side. Lowering his eyes, he said, "Thank you."

Ye Ming sat beside him, hands under his chin, smiling with curved eyes. "How was it? I've been busy all morning."

Lu Xiuwen took a sip of the porridge, smiled faintly, and said, "Very good." Only the hand holding the chopsticks seemed to exert a bit more force.

He seemed to understand why the people before him, those who came before him, believed everything so easily. It was a strong instinct, an extreme temptation. Just like him now, dead and arrived in this world, meeting someone so similar to his lover, it was instinctive to believe that it was destined. After so much prolonged suffering, it was as if the travelers, almost dying of dehydration in the desert, saw a glimmer of hope and rushed forward without hesitation, even if it might be a mirage.

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