Chapter 158

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Ye Ming's legs went weak, almost collapsing, but he knew he had to stay steady!

If he showed fear now, wouldn't it be like admitting guilt? As a contemporary, principled, righteous, and loving young man, he couldn't let personal conflicts trouble others! After all, the person beside him had come through the ruthless post-apocalyptic world, reshaping his worldview would take time, and the danger level wasn't much lower than that of the demonic sect Zong Jun.

Thinking this, Ye Ming radiated an aura of purity and innocence, saying in confusion, "Not familiar, just met a few times. I never expected him to speak up for me."

Yang Qian looked at him, eyes dark, "Just like that?"

Ye Ming nodded suddenly, then realized with a touch of emotion, "Li Ge must have couldn't bear seeing others falsely accuse me. That's why he came forward to speak for me. No wonder he has such a good reputation and popularity. Truly a respected elder in the industry! A genuinely good person inside and out!"

The elder who received the good person card, Li Mu Xun, sneezed from a distance. Hopefully, someone wasn't cursing him.

Yang Qian slowly withdrew his hand, smiling faintly. He didn't press further, as if it was just a casual mention. "Indeed, such people are rare nowadays."

But he wasn't entirely convinced of Ye Ming's words. Despite Ye Ming's flawless performance, Yang Qian could sense that there was more between him and Li Mu Xun than meets the eye. The denial seemed more like a form of protection.

Yet, Ye Ming didn't want him to know. He pretended not to know. Well, it seemed his little boyfriend had his own secrets.

Ye Ming felt like every day now was full of excitement and danger. He finally understood why elderly people, after experiencing countless adventures, longed for a peaceful life. His dream now was to live a calm and ordinary life.

Feeling the need to divert Yang Qian's attention, Ye Ming paused and suggested, "How about we go on a trip?"

Yang Qian seemed surprised, raising an eyebrow, "Why suddenly think of going on a trip?"

Ye Ming, with a hint of sorrow in his tone, said, "Just want to clear my mind. Besides, everywhere is filled with people cursing me. Staying at home and sulking won't help, right? Might as well go out for a change."

Yang Qian, hearing this, softened. The online criticisms and attacks, even for a bystander, were unbearable. He couldn't imagine what Ye Ming was going through. Wanting to escape was understandable, and as long as he was by his side, even if they couldn't change the world, at least he could protect him and make him as happy as possible.

"I swore to protect you," he thought.

"Where do you want to go?" Yang Qian asked gently.

After some thought, Ye Ming ran to the room and took out two plane tickets, saying, "I've already prepared everything!"

Yang Qian was somewhat surprised. Wasn't this a spontaneous idea? Ye Ming, looking composed, explained, "When the last drama ended, I planned to go on vacation with you. Unexpectedly, there was an accident later... and then this happened online. It's a blessing in disguise."

Originally a joyful event turned into a sudden escape.

He said it casually, but a hint of weariness flashed across his face.

Yang Qian sighed slightly, holding Ye Ming's head against his chest, his voice low and soothing, "I'm here."

Ye Ming, embraced by the strong arm, rubbed against it, taking some advantage and saying contentedly, "Let's set off!"

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