Chapter 155

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Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. However, having traversed nine worlds, his adaptability was extraordinary. Tears welled up in his eyes as he hoarsely choked out, "I... don't... believe it!"

His gaze was filled with sorrow, his voice hauntingly desolate, and his expression mournful. It seemed as though he couldn't accept the fact that his beloved had passed away.

He could cry on cue; his acting skills were truly remarkable!

With red eyes, Ye Ming said, "Your mind is just confused, memories distorted. I'll find a doctor to examine you; talk of death... don't say such things!"

No matter what, he couldn't let Ming Chong just walk away like this!

Even if you lay your cards on the table, I refuse to believe you can do anything to me. Hmph... Let me show you that the higher the road, the greater the devil.

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming's pale face, reddened eyes, and stubborn expression. His brow slightly furrowed, the words he intended to say seemed stuck in his throat... unable to come out.

For someone facing the death of a loved one, acceptance was a difficult thing.

Hence, the disbelief.

Ming Chong's gaze grew distant, recalling a scene from a long time ago. Over a dozen years had passed, yet that moment hadn't faded from his memory. He would always remember Lin Xuanwen, the moments of love they shared, the beautiful memories... but no matter how wonderful the journey, the story always circled back to that night dyed in blood.

Back to the unalterable conclusion.

Lin Xuanwen sacrificed himself to save Ming Chong, brutally attacked by a chaotic blade. Ming Chong could only watch helplessly, powerless.

He once doubted whether Lin Xuanwen could love him as much as he loved Lin Xuanwen. Insecurity, fear of loss... yet, he never expected it to end like this. He gained eternal love but lost the person forever.

Lin Xuanwen's intense love for him remained frozen in that moment.

The deep pain resurfaced in Ming Chong's heart. He tightened his grip, eyes darkening. Over a decade had passed, but only this heart-wrenching pain reminded him that he was still alive, that his heart could still be moved by someone.

So, you're suffering now too? Unwilling to believe, unable to admit this cruel reality because the one you love is gone.

No one understood this pain better than him.

Ming Chong released Ye Ming's restrained hand, weariness in his eyes. He spoke softly, "Believe it or not, but I'm leaving."

How could Ye Ming let Ming Chong go? He rushed forward, grabbing Ming Chong's wrist, pleading softly, "Don't go."

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming's watery eyes, a tinge of tenderness surfacing in his emotions. It seemed he felt incredibly sorry for hurting this person. Why? Was it the original emotions of this body? Or was he simply too soft-hearted?

Because of shared suffering, he couldn't be too ruthless.

But... Ming Chong gazed at Ye Ming's face. You're not Lin Xuanwen after all.

Ming Chong's eyes grew cold. He forcefully pulled away from Ye Ming's grip and walked away briskly.

Ye Ming stumbled, watching his empty hands in shock. Ming Chong didn't even fall for this act? It seemed Ming Chong's determination was firm... No, he couldn't let Ming Chong leave without gaining anything. He needed to figure out who came this time! He hadn't even mentioned his name during all this!

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