Chapter 168

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Le-Ying's words were not a hasty remark but a carefully considered decision.

From the very beginning of his journey through these worlds, he expressed dissatisfaction with the main system's rule that mandated leaving within three days after completing a mission. To him, it seemed somewhat heartless. You had to raise the affection level of the target to the maximum, make them fall completely in love with you, yet couldn't stay with them in that world. Once the mission was completed, you had to leave, which he found cruel to those left behind.

Even though he never intended to spend his entire life in those virtual worlds, he still disliked this rule. A little flexibility in the timeframe wouldn't hurt.

When 888 explained that these rules were set by the main system and were an effective way to improve efficiency, Le-Ying understood the reasoning. However, emotionally, he couldn't agree. To the main system and 888, the goals in those mission worlds were inconsequential, and life was as fragile as grass. But these hosts were human. Could every single person be so ruthlessly indifferent, treating those they loved and interacted with as mere NPCs?

Yet, Le-Ying couldn't change anything. He was just one of countless ordinary players who might complain about the overbearing terms of a game company but knew the giant game company wouldn't pay attention to player complaints. So, he accepted it. Resisting the rules wasn't worth the effort, and he lacked the capital to fight against it. You could choose not to play, but they wouldn't change for you.

Le-Ying considered this a strategic retreat, but, to some extent, it also indicated a lack of sufficient love.

At that time, he didn't know these people were related to Yue Ling, nor did he anticipate the chance to meet them again. He left wholeheartedly, genuinely not wanting them to continue loving him.

Back then, Le-Ying didn't find anything wrong with the main system's behavior. In his view, 888 still had a bit of humanity, but the main system was just a system. It treated everyone equally, showing no favoritism or bias.

One can't quarrel with a machine. If a stone hurts you, do you retaliate with a punch?

If it were just that, Le-Ying wouldn't have chosen to blame the main system. Arguing with a stone is obviously illogical, and others might think he's shirking responsibility, perhaps even causing a backlash.

However, when Le-Ying returned to those worlds for the second time and was required to eliminate the corruption value to unfreeze experience points, his intuition told him things weren't that simple. The main system had a purpose.

Though he still doesn't understand the true intent behind the main system sending him back, Le-Ying has a gut feeling that it deliberately targeted those targets. If he attempted to change the outcome, disrupt the process, everything he did before would be in vain, and he would return to square one.

He had to make those people deeply love him, then leave them to a lonely and painful life. That would be considered a successful mission. Either do it or return empty-handed.

This was purely intuition, and Le-Ying had no evidence. But his feelings were usually accurate. Therefore, presenting the main system as the culprit seemed reasonable. The main system indeed harbored hostility towards those targets, and Le-Ying was coerced, right?

As for the real reason, let's think about it together!

Moreover, bringing this up wasn't considered lying. He stated facts. Le-Ying smugly praised himself for his cleverness. What he didn't realize was that the person in front of him was the true main system.

This main system is not that main system, this main god is not that main god.

The main god and those targets seemed too distant to Le-Ying. He couldn't fathom Yue Ling being the main god, just like meeting the U.S. president while playing a game or encountering the universe's wealthiest person during a blind date. Falling in love with the main god seemed even more incredible than these scenarios. Besides, what reason would the main god have to torture himself like this? Did he have a problem? Experiencing life shouldn't be like this.

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