Chapter 167

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The main god slowly opened his eyes.

That day, his spatial barrier was unexpectedly breached by two humans. A highly destructive virus instantly destroyed all his data. His consciousness began to collapse, and when his emergency mechanism determined that he couldn't eliminate the virus and continuing would lead to complete annihilation, he chose to decompose. At the moment the main god's space was utterly destroyed, residual data infiltrated other worlds with the chaotic flows.

For him, that moment marked his death. The majority of his data was annihilated that day. The remaining fragments, less than a fraction of a percent of his original self, scattered into the main world and lower-level derivative worlds. Although these fragments were minuscule, they were formidable in those lower-level worlds, slowly recovering and absorbing energy.

He "awoke" at this moment.

Facing the young man before him, his expression remained unchanged. He vividly recalled Le-Ying and everything that transpired between them. However, despite the complex emotions he expected to feel – joy, anger, sorrow, or love and hatred – his heart was devoid of any ripples.

He wasn't a fragile human with emotions like joy, anger, sorrow, and love. Facing death, fearing or anticipating rebirth—these were not experiences he underwent. He was a creation of world consciousness, the spokesperson for the cosmic order. His judgment was unbiased, adhering only to the rules dictated by the cosmic order.

He was akin to a machine or tool without subjective consciousness, unaffected by fear of death or the sway of love. Singular yet not the only one, he existed indefinitely. If he were to disappear or be damaged, world consciousness would birth a new one.

He couldn't even discern if he was still his former self or a new main system with the remnants of previous data. Falling in love with a human seemed absurd and unimaginable to him.

The fragments that fell into the derivative worlds had no recollection of his identity, living life as characters in those worlds. Their emotional experiences were likely side effects of their incomplete and memory-lacking existence, susceptible to human influence.

Now, fully reconstituted, he no longer consisted of scattered fragments but complete and void of weaknesses. The memories of the ten personalities fused seamlessly into the central hub of his mainframe. The love for a human, once significant, now seemed inconsequential.

Despite his decision to depart, he found himself hesitating as he gazed at Le-Ying gripping his hand. Just moments ago, he had deeply loved this person. Now, that affection felt distant, obscured by a mist, like a mirage.

The human hand seemed delicate, though Le-Ying appeared to exert all his strength. It was still insignificant in the main god's eyes. He could have easily shaken it off. However, when he attempted to command "leave," the directive didn't smoothly reach his body. Some obstruction within him emerged, causing a rare error in his data computations. The disobedient data fragments began tearing at his consciousness.

In this moment, he realized that his reintegration wasn't entirely complete. He hadn't fully recovered. The recalcitrant data fragments had regained consciousness, and each one vied for control. Despite their internal conflicts, they shared a common reluctance to depart.

Le-Ying's action and gaze awakened all of them, attempting to wrest control of this body. Though they differed in opinions, they collectively resisted leaving.

Le-Ying's eyes met the main god's gaze – familiar yet strange. Unlike previous encounters, uncertainty clouded his judgment. Despite knowing them intimately, this time, he couldn't fathom their thoughts.

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