Chapter 156

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Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming's pale and helpless face, his heart softened, feeling unexpectedly sad. Despite his previous firm decision to leave Ye Ming and unwillingness to admit they were a couple, it was a matter of principle, not dislike.

He was not Yue Ling, unable to replace Yue Ling in Ye Ming's life, just as Ye Ming couldn't replace Lin Xuanwen.

They couldn't be together.

The current situation was something Ming Chong didn't want to see. Despite not being responsible for the situation, and despite no longer being the person Ye Ming once knew, in the eyes of others, he was involved...

A strange sense of guilt and remorse surfaced in Ming Chong's heart. Although he had agreed yesterday that Ye Ming should leave today, wouldn't it be too harsh to drive him away again? Too cold and heartless?

While Ye Ming was distressed, his phone rang again. This time, it was labeled 'Sister.' Ye Ming, with a troubled expression, tremblingly answered the call, fearing the worst.

Ye Zhi's voice was gentle as she reassured Ye Ming about the online news. She offered to help with public relations and mentioned her past cooperation with their CEO, hoping it would lend some credibility.

Ye Ming, in a whining tone, said, "Sister..."

Ye Zhi continued to comfort, suggesting whether she should inform their parents or help with the company. Ye Ming hesitated, and Ye Zhi, seemingly realizing something, assured him that their parents were still unaware.

Feeling relieved, Ye Ming then faced the dilemma of meeting his sister. Trying to evade, he was met with Ye Zhi's insistence. Eventually, Ye Ming reluctantly agreed to a meeting the next morning, realizing the need to play along with the situation.

As the call ended, Ye Ming's face turned grim. He thought about how Ming Chong probably wouldn't want to accompany him to meet his sister. Yet, as he looked into Ming Chong's conflicted and worried eyes, an idea sparked.

Realizing Ming Chong's softening stance, Ye Ming considered using this opportunity to gain sympathy. Convinced that they needed to face Ye Zhi together, he intended to persuade Ming Chong to accompany him, at least for appearances.

Ye Ming, anxious, asked, "Did you hear everything just now?"

In the confined space, Ming Chong, though not catching every word, had a sense of the situation. Ye Zhi's call and the impending meeting were clear enough. He apologized for the circumstances, acknowledging the potential impact on Ye Ming.

Ye Ming shook his head, stating, "It's not your fault. It's all on me, dragging you into this."

Despite Ye Ming's initial determination, his expression softened, and he tentatively mentioned his sister wanting to meet Ming Chong. Ming Chong's internal struggle intensified.

Ye Ming, sensing Ming Chong's hesitation, prepared to leave. However, at the last moment, Ming Chong impulsively grabbed his wrist, realizing the potential danger of Ye Ming being recognized outside.

This impulsive act made Ming Chong aware of the gravity of the situation. He then offered to accompany Ye Ming to the meeting, acknowledging a certain responsibility despite the changed circumstances.

Relieved, Ye Ming asked if Ming Chong genuinely intended to go with him. Ming Chong affirmed, stating that he wouldn't stand idly by.

Grateful, Ye Ming's eyes welled up with tears as he thanked Ming Chong. Ming Chong, a bit embarrassed, advised Ye Ming not to go out immediately to avoid being recognized.

The night passed with Ming Chong taking care of Ye Ming, providing meals, and ensuring his safety. Ming Chong's subtle distancing aside, their interactions were nearly perfect.

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