Chapter 164

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Kesen slowly lifted his head, gazing at Ye Ling with a firm expression. Though only a few words were spoken, they carried the weight of a thousand emotions.

"My lord... From now on, I will follow by your side, protect you, and love you. This time, I won't let anyone harm you or take you away from me."

Since the moment Kesen knelt before him, Ye Ling knew that Kesen had recognized him. Unsurprised and not particularly fearful, perhaps because everything had been within his expectations.

Maybe due to the solemn atmosphere between them, it felt like the entire world revolved around just the two of them. No one dared to interrupt, and eventually, it was Ye Ling who broke the silence.

Curving his fingers, he tightly grasped Kesen's hand, pulling him up. Ye Ling's exquisite eyes held a gentle smile as he spoke, "People are watching now; you're going to be laughed at behaving like this."

Although Ye Ling mentioned potential ridicule, his demeanor showed no sign of discomfort or awkwardness. His handsome features exuded inherent elegance, appearing unfazed by the extraordinary events. His calm smile seemed to make everything normal. Perhaps, his nonchalant attitude made it hard for people to mock them.

Kesen, realizing that discussing their identities wasn't suitable at the moment, reciprocated Ye Ling's stance. The two, once intimate lovers and comrades, had an unspoken understanding. Kesen's affectionate gaze towards Ye Ling held both tenderness and deep love.

Kesen chuckled, "I once vowed to protect you like a knight when you're in danger. Should I be mocked for that too?"

With this simple statement, Kesen clarified the motive behind his actions earlier. While the personnel who followed them regained their composure, the online audience erupted in discussions and arguments, expressing a mix of awe, skepticism, and admiration.

As Ye Ling and Kesen continued their journey, unaware of the online debates, Kesen held Ye Ling's hand and said, "Let's go back."

Ye Ling nodded, turning his head to concentrate on the path ahead. Although the revelation of his identity was no longer a concern, the challenge remained in explaining the origins. However, it was not the time to provide answers just yet.

As they returned to the camp with a bountiful harvest, including a bag full of fish and wild vegetables, Ye Ling had prepared extra food. He intended to share it with the others, anticipating that the other two groups might face difficulties. Sharing food was a simple and effective way to build connections.

Later on, as they encountered no further surprises and returned safely to the camp, the bags full of fish and additional foraged items marked a significant success. Ye Ling's plan to share food turned out to be an excellent strategy to foster positive relationships among the participants. In the world of acting, a little shared food could go a long way in winning hearts.

Kesen, understanding Ye Ling's intentions, remained silent. Though uncertain when Harvey first arrived in this world, Kesen was well aware of Ye Ling's current situation. He was determined to assist him in successfully completing the program.

Sorting the cleaned food, Ye Ling prepared while Kesen skillfully started a fire. Soon, others returned. The first were Li Mu Xun's group, not as smooth as Ye Ling's team but still impressive due to Li Mu Xun's intentional restraint to avoid revealing his identity.

The other two groups returned later, looking somewhat disheveled, with modest harvests.

By this time, Ye Ling and Kesen were almost ready. Li Mu Xun greeted them with a friendly but not overly familiar attitude, acting like ordinary friends. "You're quite fast," he commented.

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