Chapter 170

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"Just now, I was making a bet with Lu Ting on how long it would take you to come here." Xie Hefeng narrowed her eyes and chuckled: "Now that you are here, let's sit down and have a cup of tea."

The Lord God walked in expressionlessly and stood about three meters away from Xie He. He had no intention of sitting down. He looked at him coldly with indifferent eyes. His voice was low and clear without any warmth or fluctuation, and he spoke slowly: "It was a wrong decision to let me come over."

Xie He raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Oh? Because you want to kill me?"

The Lord God did not answer the obvious question.

It was this person who attacked him, made him fall to those low-level worlds, and took control of the main god space. He also used Ye Ming's love for Yue Ling to let him travel through those worlds to capture other fragments of himself... Now that he has woken up, this is enough Bugs that threaten yourself and affect the entire reincarnation world must be eliminated!

When you were able to break into my space, you just exploited a loophole. It does not mean that your strength can surpass mine. Now you dare to appear in front of me. Your arrogance will only lead to your own destruction.

Xie He looked at the killing intent in the Lord God's eyes. Not only was he not afraid at all, but he looked at him with interest: "I can see that you really want to kill me, but - I didn't break any rules. I can Detachment means using experience points to exchange for detachment potions. This is your permission. I can come to the main world because I use experience points to exchange for time to stay in the main world. 100,000 experience points per day is really not cheap. , but you still allow it... As for me attacking you, is there a rule in your rules that does not allow the host to attack the Lord God?"

The Lord God's expression froze for a moment.

He formulated punishment regulations for the system and did not allow any system to disobey his orders. He also formulated various rules and punitive measures for the host, but they were all for the task. He never thought that any host could attack him. There is no such thing in the rules.

From a certain logic, everything Xie He did was in compliance with his rules and there were no violations, so he had no reason to kill him.

Xie He had already calculated everything, just as he was able to use his loopholes to get rid of fate and survive when he had no personality.

It was the same this time. He attacked himself, but he still abided by his rules, so that he couldn't find any problems.

The Lord God didn't understand why Xie He did this and what the meaning was, but he would not make the same mistake again. Even if Xie He didn't violate the rules, it didn't matter. He was no longer the same person as before.

When he let Xie He escape in accordance with the contract he signed with Lu Ting, it resulted in his own fall and the subsequent separation of life and death in the nine worlds, so this time... Xie He must die.

Xie He looked into the Lord God's eyes. For only a short moment, he seemed to have understood the Lord God's thoughts, and smiled: "It seems that your rules are not perfect enough. You really don't have this one, right? But, you still want to kill me, You now...are not as disciplined as before."

The Lord God looked at him calmly, "This is also the case, thanks to you."

Xie He nodded: "This is a good thing."

The main god's eyes narrowed slightly and his voice was low, "Aren't you afraid? This means that even if you don't break the rules, I will still kill you. You are no match for me now."

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