Chapter 160

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Ye Ming looked utterly bewildered, staring straight at Jiang Ci as if trying to pop his eyes out!

Just a moment ago, in a fit of despair, he attempted to bribe Jiang Ci with a cake to accompany him to a press conference. However, deep down, he didn't expect it to succeed. Those targets who crossed over weren't easily fooled, requiring him to be fully prepared. What kind of bizarre situation was unfolding now?

Doesn't Jiang Ci suspect the current circumstances?

Unless... unless he has already fused memories from several people, doubting himself from the first moment! The realization sent shivers down Ye Ming's spine.

In this moment, even the idea of confessing and seeking mercy flashed through his mind. He almost lost control of his expression, on the verge of begging for mercy, when Jiang Ci spoke again.

"What's your name?" Jiang Ci gazed at him, his eyes gentle, calm, and as accommodating as a deep ocean.

What??? Ye Ming was genuinely shocked this time. Could it be that Jiang Ci had no other memories? How else could he not even know his name? If he had no memories, how could he agree so readily?

In the chaos of his mind, Ye Ming stammered, "Ye, Ye Ming..."

Ye Ming, Jiang Ci smiled at him. With a mixture of anticipation and unease, he asked, "So, what relationship do you have with me?"

Ye Ming, now unable to think clearly, couldn't keep up with Jiang Ci's train of thought. Coupled with his earlier recklessness, he blurted out, "I am your boyfriend."

Jiang Ci's eyes warmed for a moment.

In this world, in this dream, you have this name, this appearance.

You are still my beloved...

A hint of nostalgic pain flashed in Jiang Ci's eyes. In the blink of an eye, more than a decade had passed. You don't know how many times I've met you in dreams, but every time, I can only watch you from afar, like an outsider, watching you be with your wife and child, no matter how I chase... I can't catch up. The short distance between us seems like an insurmountable gap.

Perhaps deep down, I understand what you desire the most—a perfect family and a beautiful life. You left this world after seeking revenge, leaving without any attachments, reuniting with your family. For you, I am just the child of your enemy.

Even if you forgave me, even if you loved me, in the end, I was just someone you chose to let go.

Over a decade ago, you left me without even a farewell.

A decade later, you killed yourself in front of me.

You never stayed for me.

But I don't have the right to blame you because you've been good and tolerant enough to me... In dreams, I am like a pitiful voyeur, silently watching you from the shadows, watching you reunite with your family and live the life you want. Yet, I don't even have the qualification to get close to you or touch you.

Later on, I both hoped and feared to dream... forever chasing someone who doesn't belong to me, forever beyond reach.

It's too painful.

Jiang Ci reached out, gently touching Ye Ming, feeling the almost tangible warmth, then firmly embracing him. His voice was low and hoarse, "You finally are willing to look back at me."

This is your first time, turning back to me in a dream.

Ye Ming still wore a bewildered expression.

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming's confused and astonished eyes, couldn't help but smile. His handsome face revealed a gentle, faint smile, as if melting hearts. He said, "In today's dream, you're a bit different from usual, but... very cute."

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