Chapter 163

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Kesen stared fixedly at Ye Ming, his gaze sinking into those deep black eyes. In this moment, a sense of helplessness seemed to infect him, reminding him of the buried sorrows, pains, nostalgia, and love in the depths of his heart.

On that day, he watched his beloved pilot the Sun Chaser into the depths of the universe. All he could do was helplessly watch... and eventually obey his will by pressing that button.

At that moment, the universe was illuminated, and humanity welcomed the dawn of victory.

His beloved, his comrade, his prince—using his life, he guarded humanity until the very end. The last words he left were: "Please, make sure to win."

Because of that sentence, Kesen guarded the frontier, never leaving the Muho Fortress again in his lifetime. He stayed in that expanse of stars, fighting for humanity until the last day. Even when Hix died, leaving only one alien creature behind, he refused to leave.

His remaining years became the spokesperson for Harvey's will, completing his unfinished mission. He knew Harvey's spirit would accompany him.

In the following thirty years, Kesen fought against the remaining alien remnants, risking his life. With the downfall of Hix's rule, the aliens were no longer invincible. He expelled them to the distant corners of the universe, almost eradicating them. Humanity's position was unshakable. Princess Veranika ascended to the throne as the new Empress, and Kesen was honored as the human war god. Both the council and the military agreed that he should return and enjoy the glory rightfully his.

People told him, "Now, you can finally rest."

But Kesen still didn't go back. He knew very well what he had promised at the beginning—an impossible promise. Whether humanity completely triumphed or not, he wouldn't leave. He just wanted to stay where he existed.

Another ten years passed this way. The few remaining alien remnants hid away and dared not appear where humans were. They were no longer a threat. He hadn't gone out for a very long time. Then, one day, perhaps because his mission was completed, he realized that his life was about to end.

As one of the few SSS-level humans in the universe, he had a strong physique and mental power. Technically, he could live for over a hundred more years. However, without warning, genetic decay occurred. There was no reason, no cause.

But Kesen wasn't afraid of death. He thought that he could finally end this life. He had fulfilled everything promised to Harvey, and the aliens could no longer harm humanity.

The Human Federation was strong enough, and he was no longer needed.

He could rest assured and follow in Harvey's footsteps to the place where his spirit resided.

Before his death, Princess Veranika came to the distant Muho Fortress again. Kesen asked her to bury his body in this expanse of stars. Veranika agreed, and he peacefully closed his eyes.

But now, what was happening? Why could he wake up again? Didn't he die?

Impossible—Kesen was very clear that he had died. Genetic decay was irreversible. Even if future technology could almost bring the dead back to life, it couldn't save him.

At this moment, memories belonging to another person surged into his mind. This person was named Yue Ling, and he found himself on a backward human planet called Earth. Yue Ling had no identity, no past, only a loved one— the young man named Ye Ming.

Kesen furrowed his brows slightly. From Yue Ling's memories, he learned that Earth's technology was very backward. Such a primitive planet had almost ceased to exist in the Human Federation. Only those forgotten native planets, lost in the corners of the universe, were like Earth. Could it be that his soul had attached itself to such a remote and abandoned star system after death?

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