Chapter 154

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Due to this unexpected incident, Li Mu Xun lost interest in staying at the banquet and left early. Returning home, he quickly accessed the database, realizing he had overlooked crucial information!

The CEO of Yunzhou Entertainment, Lu Zhou, turned out to be Lu Ting's younger brother in the real world. However, since Lu Ting's death and departure from the real world twenty-six years ago, no one remembered him, and no one could imagine that the man referred to as Lu Zhou's bodyguard was, in fact, Lu Zhou's deceased brother.

Lu Ting and Xie He were renowned figures in the reincarnation world, well-known to all. However, since Li Mu Xun never expected them to return, nor did he think they might be related to this matter, he hadn't considered this point before.

Li Mu Xun's gaze became serious as his fingers rapidly tapped on the keyboard. Although his abilities were limited in the real world, being an advanced system allowed him to hack into the world's network, albeit manually and at a much lower efficiency than usual.

With "low efficiency," Li Mu Xun spent three minutes hacking into the information department's network. He quickly retrieved information about Xie He.

Xie He kept the same name and appearance, not bothering to change anything. He even fabricated an identity for himself, pretending to be a doctor in a hospital.

Based on Li Mu Xun's understanding of Xie He, whether in his fantasy world or after transcending, he had no connection to being a doctor. So, his presence in that hospital must have a specific purpose, and the answer wasn't difficult to guess—Yue Ling had sought treatment at that hospital, and Xie He happened to be his attending physician.

Xie He came for Yue Ling, and he never concealed this fact.

In other words, Yue Ling's anomalies, as well as those of the targets he was trying to conquer, were related to Xie He.

Li Mu Xun furrowed his brows slightly. Things seemed more complicated than he imagined. Initially, he thought it was merely the disappearance of the main god and the intrusion of the conquest targets. Now, it appeared there might be a puppet master behind the scenes.

However, no matter how powerful they were, how could they threaten the main god? In the end, they were just two hosts. The main god was above everything, understanding its unreachable status as it grew more powerful.

After contemplating for a while, Li Mu Xun's consciousness returned to the system space, summoning 666.

666 was Lu Ting's system, and being both initial advanced systems, 888 and 666 were familiar with each other. Recently, 666 and Li Mu Xun had gotten closer, occasionally playing games together and exchanging banter.

The system space remained busy, some systems idle after their hosts' deaths, others rushing around matchmaking new hosts and engaging in busy work. Some systems with hosts occasionally returned to relax and organize data.

After waiting for a while, 666 finally responded. It seemed to be in a good mood, asking, "What's up? Do you need something?"

Unable to directly mention encountering Lu Ting in the real world, as it was a severe violation, 888 tested the waters, saying, "Nothing much, just finished a task recently, free now. Wondering what you're up to. Want to come out and play?"

666 replied, "Sorry, sorry, been really busy lately. 444 and I are on vacation."

444 was Xie He's system. Since Lu Ting and Xie He had a master-servant relationship, their systems were close. This was common knowledge.

After a pause, 888 asked, "Oh? What about your host? Isn't he with you guys?"

666's attitude changed instantly upon hearing this, speaking vaguely, "Hmm, he's out with Xie He. Don't know where they are now. Well, I'll stop chatting. 444 called for me—" With that, it abruptly hung up, exclaiming it was coming in response to 444's call.

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