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Bridget and Gristle are riding their motorcycle
When they suddenly smell French fries and stop at the golf course.

"Are those golf balls,oh good they're just trolls look,how cute." Said Bridget.
"What's happening?" Said Gristle.
The put,put trolls tie them up.
"Grissy I didn't think we'd both find ourselves tied up on this honeymoon." Said Bridget.

Poppy,Branch & Tiny :

"Alright look,security is really tight so we're not gonna be able to just walk right in." Said Branch.
"You know what that means,we're scaling the walls." Said Poppy.
"We're huh doing what when." Said Tiny.
"We should plan to make our ascend about 200 meters east of the entrance." Said Branch.
"Good thing I brought extra gummy gloves." Said Poppy.
"I'm tired,carry me." Said Tiny.
"You have to walk on your own Tiny,you have to be a big boy." Said Poppy.
"But my feet hurt,I don't wanna." Said Tiny.
"The quickest way in will be at the roof." Said Branch.
"The HVAC system." Said Poppy.
"Ooh I love how you say HVAC." Said Branch.
"Thank you." Said Poppy.
"But we'll have to by pass the fan blade to make sure our cupcakes don't get sliced in two." Said Branch.
"Ooh we brought cupcakes." Said Tiny.
"No,not what I meant." Said Branch.
"Umm no." Said Poppy.
"It doesn't matter." Said Branch.

They stop the fan blade from moving with cotton candy.
"After that,we need to cut the power so we can move freely through the interior air ducts,how do you know which wires to cut?" Said Branch.
"I don't I'm just blasting everything until something turns off." Said Poppy.
The power switches off.
"From there we'll have to do some exploring but we'll find Floyd in one of those rooms." Said Branch.
"Look there he is,come on." Said Poppy.
They use one of Viva's sticky hands to crawl down the vent.

"Floyd." Said Branch.
"Branch,is it really you?" Said Floyd.
"Yeah, it's really me." Said Branch.
"Wow you've really grown into that vest,you're a man now." Said Floyd.
"Oh finally somebody gets me." Said Branch squishing his face against the glass giving Floyd a hug. Floyd does the same thing.
"Wait you need to leave,right now." Said Floyd.
"No,Floyd it's okay we're here to rescue you." Said Poppy.
"No this is a trap,Velvet and Veneer they,they  lured you here,you gotta leave before they come back hurry." Said Floyd.
"No,I'm not leaving here without you." Said Branch.
"Branch please,do it for me." Said Floyd.

"I told you Brozone would show up,my letter worked I'm a genius." Said Velvet.
"Are you sure you're sure about this?" Said Veneer.
"Oh no." Said Branch.
"Ow he's biting me put it in the closet,put it in the closet." Said Veneer talking about Rhonda.
"Hello." Said Crimp.

"Floyd." Said Clay,Bruce and John.
"Brothers." Said Floyd.
"It's so good to see you we would've been here sooner but these guys wouldn't stop yelling at each other ." Said John.
"Guys please." Said Floyd.
"John Dory,you're the one who parked in the spot marked reserved for Brozone didn't that seem a little sus to you." Said Clay.
"Oh so it's my fault." Said John.

"Oh look They're even cute when they fight." Said Veneer.
"What are you doing come on man your better than this." Said Floyd.
"Well thank you." Said Veneer.
"I really don't see why you're so upset at least we're putting your talent to good use I mean you're welcome ." Said Velvet.
"What,your sick." Said John Dory.
" You mispronounced thanks for not letting our talent go to waste Velvet and Veneer." Said Veneer.
"Come on they're waiting for us on the red carpet." Said Velvet.
"Ooh." Said Veneer.
"Let's go autograph some butts." Said Velvet.
"Ooh I'll grab my butt marker." Said Veneer.

*Branch and Poppy open the closet and Rhonda spits out Crimp*
"Oh it looks like you need a hug." Said Poppy.
*Crimp grabs Poppy and starts crying*
"Ok now whose sibling is this now?" Said Tiny.

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