The Royal Wedding :

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It was Bridget and King Gristle's wedding.

"Bridget!" Said Poppy.
"Poppy." Said Bridget.
"You look so beautiful." Said Poppy.
"Thank you so much for being my maid of honour I couldn't of done this without you." Said Bridget.
"Oh of course Bridget I love you like a sister,probably I don't have a sister so I wouldn't know which is fine it's something I'm coming to terms with slowly." Said Poppy.
"Umm poppy,could we maybe unpack the sister thing after the vows." Said Bridget.
"Yeah no of course,you go get him girl  before I do." Said poppy popping the balloons to reveal Bridget's outfit.

"Like a beautiful angel sent from heaven." Said Gristle.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the sweet sweet love of Bridget hey girl and Mr yummy tummy himself king Gristle now falling in love is easy we've all done it I've done it a hundred times thousands even if you count that semester I spend abroad." Said the Wedding announcer.

"STOP THE WEDDING!!" Someone shouted.
Everyone gasped.
"Uh Bridget do you know this guy." Said Gristle.
"I can't remember all my suitors grissy." Said Bridget.
"Sorry is this bad timing?" Said the guy.
Branch looked worried as he noticed who it was.
"I'm just trying to find a troll named...Uh BABY BRANCH." Said the troll who crawled up to Branch.
"Uh your making a mistake stranger who looks similar to me there's no Branch here." Said Branch.
"Look at you,you've got so big your not a branch anymore your more  like a trunk a junk in the trunk." Said the troll slapping Branch on the butt. "Oww." Said Branch.
"I bet I can still pick you up come on,ooh you got heavy ah there goes my back ooh Charlie horse,oh god two Charlie horses ." Said the troll.
"Hey stop right there,you put my boyfriend down and tell us who you are and what you want ." Said Poppy.
"Hey,your right totally rude of me, didn't introduce myself I'm Branch's brother." Said the troll.
"What." Said Poppy.
"Correction used to be my brother not anymore." Said Branch.
"Hey umm remember earlier how I said you should open up to me and be real." Said Poppy.
"Well." Said Branch
"You could of started by telling me you had a secret brother." Said Poppy.
"Former brother." Said Branch.
"That's not how DNA works,dad did you know about this?" Said Poppy.
"What would I know about secret family members." King peppy said suspiciously.
"Oh my gosh I was being so rude I've never met any of branch's family members before,I'm poppy branch's girlfriend,should we hug,fist bump,smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us." Said Poppy. "All of the above." Said Branch's Brother.
"Wait I know you,your the guy from Brozone we were just listening to them." Said Poppy.
"Yeah Brozone." Said Cooper.

"Wait wait wait don't tell me,well your not the heartthrob." Said Poppy.
"Well that's your opinion." Said Branch's Brother.
"The fun one,No your kind of uptight." Said Poppy.
"Uptight?" Said Branch's Brother.
"Not the sensitive one either." Said Poppy.
"Ok a lot of assumptions for someone you just met 30 seconds ago." Said Branch's Brother.
"Oh oh oh I've got it your John Dory." Said Poppy.
"The leader." Said John.
"The old one." Said Poppy.

"So if your branch's Bro then that means all the other brozone bros are branch's bros too,Branch how come you never told me." Said Poppy.
"Because it's complicated." Said Branch.
"Aww sweetie,cause you weren't in the band." Said Poppy.
"Branch was in the band alright." Said John.
"What No way which one was he." Said Poppy.
"Bitty B." Said John.
"Bitty B no that's impossible Bitty B had glasses." Said Poppy.
"Oh and i diaper." Said John.
"And a falsetto made from gold not that anyone cared but that's all in the past because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back." Sang Branch.
"Woah woah woah that's not fair Branch I did come back but no one was there it wasn't until I heard that you saved the world from a rock apocalypse that I realised that you were even still alive." Said John. "Oh that's so sweet he realised I was still alive 20 YEARS TOO LATE." Said Branch.
"Hi sorry he gets hangry if he skips breakfast." Said Poppy.
"I had breakfast,it was avocado toast with two poached eggs  some cayenne  for a little kick and you know what it was delightful." Said Branch.

"Branch what's going on with you." Said Poppy.
"The question we should be asking is what's going on with him,I bet he's only here cause he needs something." Said Branch. "That's not true he's your brother." Said Poppy.
"Branch Im gonna be straight with you here,I need something." Said John.
"And there it is." Said Branch.
"Come on man I'm trying here." Said Poppy.
"Wait hold up branch,it's about Floyd." Said John.
"What do you mean?" Branch said with a sad look.
"He's In danger man,I hadn't heard from him since the band broke up,till I got a letter from him, Dear John Dory,I'm being held against my will by superstars velvet and veneer come to Mount Rageous at once and bring our brothers love Floyd,I didn't know we're any of you were so I went to Mount Rageous alone I found were this velvet and veneer were performing that night and there was Floyd." Said John.

John Dory crawls through an air vent and it leads to the room Floyd was in and we flies down landing face forward. "Ugh." Said John.
"Yo Floyd!" Said John.
"John Dory,I can't believe it I never thought I'd see any of my brothers again." Said Floyd.
"I'm gonna get you out of here bro." Said John.
"No you've got to get out of here you don't understand,Velvet and Veneer are giant pop obsessed succubi with no talent and they've been stealing mine and they'll be back any minute for more." Said Floyd.
"What, that's even worse than lip syncing not my brother not today." Said John trying to break the diamond.
"John stop the bottle is made of diamond and there's only one thing that is powerful enough to shatter diamond." Said Floyd.
"A diamond shattering diamond hammer where can we get one of those." Said John.
"No John,it's the perfect family harmony." Said Floyd.
"Of course the perfect family harmony." Said John.
*Velvet and veneer are almost coming back to steal more of Floyd's talent*
"Run John Dory save yourself." Said Floyd.
"Don't worry Floyd I'll be back with the bros you have my word." Said John.

Back to normal :

"Floyd." Said Branch.
"So you came here to get the band back together and sing the perfect family harmony." Said Poppy.
"Yeah." Said John.
"Oh yeah so we can attempt to sing something we've only tried once and failed so miserably at that we broke up and never talked to each other again." Said Branch.
"We are so in." Said Poppy.
"What?,uh could you give us a second,okay what are you doing?" Said Branch.
"This is your second chance with your brothers Branch." Said Poppy.
"It's not that easy ok you don't get it you don't have any siblings." Said Branch.
"That's my point Branch you are so lucky to have a brother to fight for I mean if I had a sister it would be so perfect we'd be best friends and we'd teach each other things and we'd never fight and always have each others backs." Said Poppy.
"Poppy." Said Branch.
*Poppy ignores Branch and continues*
"POP-py." Said Branch.
"But if she were  ever in trouble I would do everything I could to help her I would show up." Said Poppy.
"Okay listen,if there was a brother that i might do this for and I'm not saying there is but it would be Floyd." Said Branch.
"I'm not hearing no." Said Poppy.
"Yes." Said poppy.
"Yeah works for me." Said John.
"Brozone 2.0,Brozone reunion,Brozone here we bro again,Brozone where did they bro I don't know we're gonna find them." Said Poppy.
"HEY,LOOKS LIKE OUR RIDES HERE,here she is meet Rhonda y'all ain't she a beaut." Said John standing on a caterpillar bus.
"She's really something." Said Branch.
"I guess she likes me?" Said Poppy.
"Yeah she does or she's marking you as prey you can never quite  tell with Rhonda." Said John.

"Umm guys if you don't mind I really can't wait another minute to marry this gorgeous specimen." Said Gristle.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Said the wedding announcer.
*They kiss*
"Ok all aboard is going aboard." Said John.
"Bye everybody we're getting the band back together." Said Poppy.
"Have an awesome honeymoon." Said Poppy.
"Thanks poppy." Said Bridget.
"I love you guys." Said Poppy.
*Everyone says bye and then Rhonda drives away*

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