A Surprise Visit (Part 2) :

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(Last chapter Creek made a return to troll village begging everyone for an apology but he never interacted with Brozone or Viva,only John Dory)

"Who did you say you were?" Said Bruce.
"Umm Creek,who are you?" Said Creek.
"Spruce/Bruce,Branch's Brother." Said Bruce.
"Umm okay but who are you?" Said Creek.
"Clay,the fun boy I'm also Branch's Brother." Said Clay.
"And you?" Said Creek.
"Floyd I'm also Branch's brother." Said Floyd.
"Geez,how many Brothers do you have Branch?" Said Creek.
"I have four." Said Branch.
"Anyway who are you?" Said Creek.
"Oh hi my names-." Said Viva.
"None of your business,she's also taken,BY ME." Said Clay.
*Everyone looks at Clay*
"Uh I mean uh,I gotta go." Said Clay running away.
"Umm,whatever I meant to say that hi my names Viva and I'm Poppy's sister." Said Viva.
(Creek thought of something)

*In the forest*
Creek and his friends were planning something evil. (He is still evil in this story idc)
"Poppy doesn't like me anymore,thanks to Branch,but what about Viva?" Said Creek.
(He has a plan to kidnap Viva and take her to chef Bergen)

*Later that evening*
Viva was wandering alone in the forest,where Creek and his Friends were spying on her waiting for her to fall in to the Trap.

"What's this?" Said Viva picking up a note.
It was a note from 'Clay' saying meet me in a cave.
"A cave?,That's suspicious." Said Viva.
(The cave turned out to be the tunnels of death)
"Hello,Clay!" Viva Shouted.
"Hey Viva." Said 'Clay'.
"Uh you sound different?" Said Viva.
'Clay' pulls the mask off,it wasn't Clay.
It was Creek.
"Hello,Viva." Said Creek.
"Umm what's going on." Said Viva.
"You have fell into my trap,the note was from me not clay,have you met my friend chef?" Said Creek.
Chef appeared from around the corner.
Viva recognised the Bergen as the same one who tried to kidnap her and the other trolls 20 years ago,which is also how she met Clay.
"Hello." Said Chef.
"No not you." Said Viva.
"Nobody is coming to rescue you." Said Creek.
"My friends will be here soon just you wait." Said Viva.

Poppy's POV :
Hmm I wonder where Viva is?,she left to go on a walk but she's been gone for ages, I'm gonna go tell the others. I run to Branch's Bunker.
BRANCH!,BRANCH! ARE YOU HOME? I yell hoping he would open the door.
"Poppy?,whats wrong?" Said Branch.
It's viva,she's gone. I say.
"Are you sure?" Said Branch.

*they go inside the bunker to tell the others*
"Oh hey Poppy." Said Floyd.
"Hey Poppy." Said Clay.
"Hi." Said Bruce.
"Hey." Said John.
"Guys Poppy has something to ask." Said Branch.
Has anyone seen Viva? I ask.
"No." Said Floyd.
"No." Said Bruce.
"Nope." Said John.
"Why,is she okay?" Said Clay.
She went on a walk In the forest but she's been gone for hours. I say worried.

Viva's POV :
I sit in the corner of the tunnel scared for my life
Because that's the same Bergen from trollstice 20 years ago,I'm hoping someone comes to find me before I'm eaten.

Clay,John,Bruce,Floyd,Branch & Poppy :

"Where could she be?" Said John.
"I don't know." Said Bruce.
"It's kinda scary out here in the dark." Said Floyd.
"Guys there's the tunnel of death." Said Branch.
"The tunnel of death,you don't think she's in there do you?" Said Clay.
"Let's find out." Said Poppy.
"How do we know which tunnel is safe?" Said John Dory.
"I know." Said a strange mysterious voice.
"Who was that?" Said Branch.
"It.......was.......me." Said the voice.
"Oh god not again." Said Branch.
"CLOUD GUY!" Said Poppy.
"Hello Queen Poppy,why are you guys here so late?" Said Cloud Guy.
"We're looking for my sister,Viva,have you seen her?" Said Poppy.
"Hmm I seen her earlier on a walk,and then I seen her go inside the tunnel of death." Said Cloud Guy.
"The tunnel of death,that leads to Bergen town." Said Clay.
*They go inside*

"Let's split up." Said Branch.
"Woah,Bitty B is that a good idea?" Said John.
"Yes." Said Branch.

"Okay John,Bruce and Clay,you guys go that way and me,Poppy and Floyd will go this way." Said Branch.

"HELP!!!" Shouted someone.
"Guys someone's shouting for help." Said Poppy.
"HELP!!!" Said the voice again.
"This way." Said Branch.

They follow the screams and it led them to another tunnel.

"I think it's coming from in here." Said Branch.
"Let's go." Said John.

Viva's rolled up into a ball crying on the floor.

"Wait is that." Said Bruce.
"VIVS!!!." Shouted Clay running towards Viva.
"C-Clay?,is that you?" Said Viva.
"Yeah it's me." Said Clay.
"Guys let's get out of here." Said Floyd.
"Not so fast,Chef get her!" Said Creek.
(Chef grabs Viva but Poppy and Branch use there hair to grab her and she runs over to Clay)
*Viva hugs Clay*
"What's this for?" Said Clay.
"For saving me." Said Viva.
She then hugs everyone else for also saving her.

Viva remembers what Clay said earlier.
"Clay,do you remember being jealous when Creek met me earlier?" Said Viva.
"Ummm,yeah." Said Clay.
"Do you really like me?" Said Viva.
"Umm yeah." Said Clay nervously.
"Me too." Said Viva.

Poppy,Branch,John Dory,Bruce and Floyd looked at them.

"Guys can we leave." Said John.
"Before we get eaten by Bergens ." Said Bruce.
"Oh sorry,yeah." Said Viva.

*They leave*

The end

(lol this sounds really cringey but whatever)

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