A Surprise For Viva :

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*In troll village*

Everyone in troll village were looking for their packages and mail.

"Yes,yes,yes,Grandma's fluffleberry cake is the best." Said Branch.
"Yay my new dress came." Said Poppy.
"Dang it." Said John Dory.
"Nice dress John." Said Clay.
"I think my package got swapped again." Said John Dory.
"I got a package from Put,Put Palace." Said Viva.
"Is it a Burger and fries." Said Bruce.
"Is it a milkshake." Said John.
"A scrapbook." Said Poppy.
"Candy necklaces." Said Viva.
"Candy necklaces?" Said everyone.
"I think I'm gonna cry." Said Viva.
"Does it smell that bad." Said John.
"No it smells like home you know this is the first time I'm missing the Put,Put palace festival." Said Viva.
"Let me guess, you were miss junior candy." Said Bruce.
"Three years running and this year I would have been running for Candy Queen,I miss home." Said Viva.

(The brothers were in the bunker talking)

"Besides I've got other things on my mind." Said Clay.
"Wait let me guess,next month's pranks." Said Bruce.
"No I've already planned them,I'm talking about Viva being homesick I feel terrible that she feels terrible." Said Clay.
"Don't." Said John.
*John makes fun of Clay*
"You guys have got to help me,Viva's in our pod sobbing and watching home videos of some Trolls,someone's gotta help her out." Said Poppy.
"I got it,we can recreate the Put,Put palace festival,then we can elect Viva Candy Queen and me Candy King." Said Clay.
"Why do you get to be Candy King,why can't i?" Said Bruce.
"Cause the King can't have a gpa of 0.75." Said Clay.

*Later that evening*
Clay is making sure everything at the festival looks alright.
"John hurry up you've been stringing Candy Necklaces for an hour." Said Clay.
"I don't know why it's taking so long." Said John.
"Bruce stop eating the decorations." Said Clay.
"I've never seen him like this." Said Floyd.
"It's love Floyd." Said Branch.
*Clay shouts at people*
"Clay,Clay calm down dude." Said Bruce.
"I can't calm down Viva's gonna be here any minute,Bruce how are the candy necklaces." Said Clay.
"Candy." Said Bruce.
"Milkshakes." Said Clay.
"Cold." Said Branch.
*Clay continues to ask about everything*
"Can we stop this now." Said Floyd.
"Where's king Peppy,Someone call King Peppy." Said Clay.

"Viva's coming." Said Poppy.
"Places people,move it,move it." Said Clay.
"SURPRISE!!" Said Everyone.
"Wait a minute,candy necklaces,milkshakes,burgers,fries *Viva gasps* the Candy Crown and Sceptre,This must be the Put,Put palace festival!" Said Viva.
"Welcome to Put,Put palace in troll village." Said Clay.
"Clay this is amazing." Said Viva.
"And I have a feeling I know who's gonna win Candy Queen." Said Clay.
*Viva gasps again*
"Me,really not that I expect to win only if people VOTE for me although I have had my speech ready since I was 16." Said Viva.
"Can't wait to hear it." Said Clay.
"You are sweeter than candy." Said Viva.
"Aww Clay this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me I don't know how to thank you." Said Viva.
"Well..." said Clay going to give her a hug (but Poppy gets in the way)
"And one more surprise." Said Poppy.
"What." Said Viva.
"I phoned in your old boyfriend *insert random name*." Said Poppy.
"Hey ya'll." said Viva's Ex.
"*random name!*" said Viva.
"Viva!" Said Viva's Ex.
"Poppy!" Said Clay.
"I have missed you." Said Viva's Ex.
"Oh *random name* I'm so glad your not still mad at me for leaving Put,Put palace." Said Viva.
"We're here together now thanks to your sister." Said Viva's Ex.
"Thanks Poppy." Said Viva.
"Aren't I the bestest friend." Said Poppy.
"Not to me how could you bring Viva's boyfriend here." Said Clay.
"Well she's been talking about how much she misses Put,Put palace and it was easier to find him then find the palace." Said Poppy.
"But you know I'm in love with her." Said Clay.
"You are,then why didn't you tell me?" Said Poppy.
"I did,just last week I spent 3 hours pouring my heart out to you about how much I love her." Said Clay.
"Well I must of been asleep." Said Poppy.
"Your eyes were open." Said Clay.
"Oh it's a trick I learned from a friend." Said Poppy.
"It's dancing time everyone grab a partner." Said King Peppy.
"Come on darling." Said Viva's Ex.
*Everyone dances*
"I will never forgive you for this." Said Clay.
"Ok,ok if you're that upset I'll get rid of him." Said Poppy.

"What's poppy doing?" Said John Dory.
"Getting rid of *random name*." Said Clay.
"Why he's such a great guy." Said John Dory.

"*random name* is staying the weekend,Viva's so lucky to have such a great guy." Said Poppy.
"Hello you were supposed to get rid of him." Said Clay.
"Oh how did I do." Said Poppy.
"Not so good." Said Clay.

"Hey I heard you planned this party for my Viva." Said Viva's Ex.
"No,no umm well yeah but we all pitched in I was just responsible for the candy necklaces,the burgers,the fries and the milkshakes." Said Clay.
"Yeah well there's something you need to hear,thank you for helping my honey." Said *random name while shaking Clay's hand*
"You're welcome,I was just trying to make her feel a little less homesick." Said Clay.
"My pumpkin is home sick maybe I should ask her to come back to Put,put palace with me." Said *Random name*
"No." Said Clay.
"What do you mean no." Said *Random name*
*Clay makes up a random excuse*
"I don't know what you just said but thanks for getting me and my Viva back together." Said Viva's Ex.

"I need to talk to you." Said Clay.
"This better be good." Said John Dory.
"How can I keep Viva from moving back to Put,Put palace with *name*." Said Clay.
"Well you have to show her you're the better man." Said John Dory laughing.
"Do you remember any of our previous discussions about my lack of self esteem and your lack of support." Said Clay.

*they do a arm wrestle*

"I don't wanna hurt you little guy." Said *name*
"Worry about your self." Said Clay.
"Okay ready." Said Clay.
"And GO!" Said King Peppy.
*Clay falls off the table*
"We have a winner." Said King Peppy.

"That's it I give up." Said Clay.

*Viva's Ex asks her to move back to Put,Put Palace with him* "I know you've been missing home." Said *name*
"I have been a little homesick but-." Said Viva.
"But there are no buts here." Said *Name*

"It's time to Crown the Candy Queen,alright the winner is the Candy Queen Viva." Said  king Peppy. "Thank you,thank you." Said Viva.
*Viva reads her speech*
"When my friends crown me as Candy King that's when she'll know we're perfect for each other." Said Clay.
"Our Candy King is *name* get up here." Said King Peppy.
"I can't believe some of my "friends" voted for *name* and not me." Said Clay.
"Yeah." Said Bruce.
"Weird." Said John Dory.

"Hey Clay." Said Viva.
"Hey Viva,what's wrong?" Said Clay.
"Oh nothing,I just have a really big decision to make,*name* just told me he loves me." Said Viva. "Really." Said Clay.
"Yeah and he wants me to come back to Put,Put palace with him." Said Viva.
"So what are you gonna do?" Said Clay.
"I don't know I'm just so confused I trust your judgment Clay what do you think I should do?,go home or stay." Said Viva.
"I'll tell you what you should do,you should sta-,I think you should follow your heart." Said Clay.
"You know what your absolutely right thanks Clay." Said Viva.

"*name*!" Said Viva.
"Yes!" Said *name*
"So I thought about what you said." Said Viva.
"And?" Said *name*.
"And I've decided to do what my heart tells me." Said Viva.
"So your coming back to Put,put palace!" Said *name*
"Heck no." Said Viva.
"Yess!" Said Clay.
*they look at him*
"Sure I miss home but I love my new life here at troll village there's so many great adventures out there and I don't wanna miss them." Said Viva.
"Absolutely right." Said Clay.
"But what about us?" Said *name*
"*name* having you here has been great but it also reminded me of why we broke up,your always telling me what to do you think you know what's best for me but you don't." Said Viva.
"Fine." Said *name*.

"I was so afraid you were gonna leave me-uh troll village." Said Clay.
"I could never do that I would miss you-and all of my other friends." Said Viva.
"You'd miss me well along with your other friends." Said Clay.
"Of course and I can never thank you enough for doing this for me." Said Viva.
"You can try." Said Clay.
*they hug*

The end :)

(Based on the suite life on deck season 1 episode 19)

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