Branchception :

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Branch was looking around Troll village for weird creatures to capture.
"Mud,not helpful,but those tracks are." Said Branch licking mud of his finger.

He follows the tracks.
"Woohoo!,for days this mystery critter has invaded me Gary it's headed right for one of my...Traps!,ha we got em we finally got the...Trolls,what how did this happen?" Said Branch.
"Well we were having a drum circle them Bam nothing but net." Said Cooper.
"That's right because someone put traps in the don't put your traps here zone." Said Poppy.
"I came up with that name it is not catchy." Said Cooper.
"We've talked about your trap setting problem many times Branch it's why we had that intervention." Said Poppy.

*Flashback to the intervention*
"Guys I don't have a trap setting problem." Said Branch.
(Everyone gets trapped in a net)
"Hmmm,AH!" Said Guy Diamond.

*Flashback over*
"This is different I've discovered the tracks of a new potentially hazardous critter in the village." Said Branch.
"Ugh you're always finding crazy reasons to add more defences." Said Poppy.
"Well you're always finding reasons to say my reasons are crazy." Said Branch.
"Because your friends are supposed to tell you that you're crazy when you're acting crazy." Said Poppy.
"Oh yeah well you're-." Said Branch.
"BRANCH,GET US OUT OF THIS NET!!!" Shouted everyone.
"Our frustration with Branch has united us aww." Said everyone.
(Branch let's everyone go)

"Now for the last time,go round the village and dismantle all of your illicit traps Branch." Said Poppy.
"Fine,but for the record you're all making a huge mistake." Said Branch.
"You guys hear anything,cause I sure can't." Said Poppy banging her drums.
(Everyone continues with their drum circle)
"Ugh." Said branch.

"Disarm my traps?,I mean sure my traps may be a little inconvenient but it's not like there dangerous,the point is we need them I just wish they'd  see I'm right about them,and start showing me a little appreciation." Said Branch talking to himself.
(An octopus follows him)
"Huh?" Said Branch.
(The octopus leaps on Branch's head)
"Ahhhhh." Branch screamed.

Branch wakes up in his bed.
"Ahhh,just a bad dream,but that creature looked familiar,better check my book of strange creatures." Said Branch. (Someone knocks on the door) "what, the,hello?" Said Branch confused.


(Poppy starts singing)

"You are the most fantastic,it's so cute when your sarcastic,we're so enthusiastic cause your so incredible,you handle things so smartly maybe you don't like to party, but your a one man army and your indispensable,Mr incredible he's so indispensable we went out and wrote him a song whoa,whoa,whoa-oh,Mr incredible he's so indispensable we went out and wrote him a song whoa,whoa,whoa-oh we're here to celebrate you." Sang Poppy and the other Trolls.

"Guys?,guys!" Said Branch.
(The ignore him)
"GUYS!!" Yelled Branch (they stop singing) "uh what's going on?" Said Branch.
"Uh we're celebrating you." Said Guy Diamond.
"1,2,3,4!" Said Poppy.
(Everyone starts singing again)
"Hey,hey,hey!,I can see you're celebrating me but why are you celebrating me,aren't you still mad at me about my traps." Said Branch confused.
"Mad At you about your traps?" Said Poppy.
(They all laugh)
"You all are acting very weird,you seriously were mad at me." Said Branch.
(They laugh again)

"Wait,wait,wait,wait,Branch has no one told you what happened?" Said Poppy.
"Told me what happened?" Said Branch.
"Come with me,as it turns out last night one of your traps caught this,no,no not toby haha my bad what you caught is right here." Said Poppy.
"A growl beast but I thought I took down all my traps." Said Branch.
"Apparently not,and now your safety skills are revered throughout the village." Said Poppy.

"Hey it's Branch." Said a photographer.
"You are a true inspiration." Said another Troll.
"Branch we salute the work you've done to protect us,ready aim glitter." Said another Troll.
(The glitter trolls fart fire works made out of glitter)
"The twenty one butt salute,our highest honour." Said Guy Diamond.
"Whoah whoah whoah,okay somethings up here ever since I woke up the whole world's gotten very bizarre." Said Branch
"Bizarre bad?" Said Poppy.
"Yes,well no it's pretty fantastic actually but I'm telling you Poppy you made me dismantle all my traps remember or was that part of my dream too?" Said Branch.
"That explains it,you must of dreamt it." Said Poppy.
"I suppose that makes sense." Said Branch.
"Now come on,relax and enjoy this Branch you saved us all by catching a predator." Said Poppy.
"Yeah,yeah I guess I did." Said Branch.
(Another creature falls into Branch's trap)
"Correction two predators." Said Poppy.
"No three." Said Cooper.
"Four." Said Smidge.
(Branch catches more creatures)

"Alright Branch fans it's time to hear from the guest of honour the troll who's trapped 157 predators today and counting,BRANCH!!!" Yelled Poppy.
(Everyone cheers for Branch)
"I love you Branch." Said Biggie.
"Thank you I love you too but I still wanna date other people." Said Branch.
(Everyone laughs)
"No,no,no seriously though I gotta be very real here today started very strange it was hard for me to get past it but ever since I did I felt like the most appreciated troll in town." Said Branch.
"Awwww." Said all the Trolls.
"You're the best Branch." Said Cooper.
"Thank you,I have so many people to thank first and foremost my remote control Gary." Said Branch.
"Thanks dad!" Said Gary (the remote control)
"Gary did you just speak?" Said Branch.
"Sure did why do you ask?" Said Gary.
"Oh my word,umm hello are you guys not hearing the talking inanimate object?" Said Branch.
"Of course we do so what?,lots of inanimate objects can speak." Said Poppy.
(Branch imagines other things speaking)
"Uh what in the world,Hey Stop That!,something weird is happening ever since that *he gasps* that creature I gotta get to my research in my bunker." Said Branch.
"Wait no Branch,we're not finished adoring you." Said Poppy.

Branch runs to his bunker and checks his book of strange creatures.

"A dream sucker,this dangerous critter puts you asleep and administers ideal dreams,I knew I recognised that creature,the only way for one to escape is to shock ones self awake or risk being trapped in the dream permanently huh no I'm in a dream." Said Branch.

"Well,well,well you figured it out you're smart." Said Poppy.
"You're so smart." Said the other Trolls.
"Wait how did you guys get in here." Said Branch.
"1,2,3,4." Said Poppy.
(They start singing again)
"That's Enough!,let me out of this dream right now." Said Branch.
"Why would you want to leave here life can be anything you want." Said Poppy.
"That's right Branch,here you can  make everyone finally see me as the manipulative troll I am." Said Creek.
"GET OUT OF HERE CREEK." Shouted everyone.
"Ah I deserve that." Said Creek.
"And here in the dream world you can also do this." Said Cooper. (The room spins upside down)
"Why would I wanna do that." Said Branch.

"True friends tell you you're crazy when you're acting crazy." Said Branch.
"Well then it sounds like there's no way we can convince you to stay so we'll just have to make you stay with never ending hugs." Said Poppy.
"Wait no you are not real this isn't real you are not my friends this isn't real so I can do things that aren't real,Ha see you around dream suckers." Branch shouts.
(They follow Branch yelling Hugs)

(Branch tries to shock himself awake by throwing Gary away)

"GARY!!!!,ah Gary." Shouted Branch.
(He hugs Gary)
"Branch,Hey Branch!,there you are sorry about coming down on you earlier I know you were only trying to keep us safe and even know I may not always agree with you I always value you." Said Poppy.
"Value me,even if I told you to eat a drum?" Said Branch.
"Eat a drum are you crazy." Said Poppy.
(He hugs her)
"Huh?" Said Poppy.
"That's all I wanted to hear,now to business there really is a mystery critter on the loose and we've got to find him or who knows who it'll go after next." Said Branch.

(The creature goes after biggie and puts him in a dream where Mr Dinkles was everywhere)

The end
(Inspired by Trolls : the beat goes on episode : branchception)

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