Crush :

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*in troll village*

The trolls were hanging out in Branch's Bunker talking and getting to know each other again.

They talk about what they did after Brozone broke up,like how Bruce met Brandy and owns a restaurant on an island and how John Dory met Rhonda (his caterpillar bus) and how Branch and Poppy met.

"So Branch how did you meet Poppy." Said John.
"Well at first Poppy and the other trolls were singing and dancing when I warned them about being too loud and that the Bergens might find them if they continue but Poppy  completely ignored me and said she was throwing the biggest and the loudest party in the world and then the Bergens came that night and took our friends,well they were Poppy's friends not mine." Said Branch.
"Then we planned on saving them which I sang a song about but then I almost got eaten by a spider but luckily Branch saved me and then we met this cloud guy who Branch hates and he showed us a tunnel to Bergen town and we saved them,the end." Said Poppy.

"Anyway how did you and Clay meet,Viva?" Said Poppy.

"Well..." said Viva.
"I was the night of the great Bergen attack,after the band broke up I was looking for somewhere to go,when I saw a group of trolls running away and that's when I saw Viva fighting the Bergens she asked me if I was lost and I said yes and then we found that abandoned golf course which we turned into our home and that was it." Said Clay.
"Wow." Said Poppy.

Later that evening after everyone left,Viva and Poppy were staying in Poppy's pod scrapbooking
And making candy necklaces.

(Also Viva and Clay decided to live in troll village)

Poppy was showing Viva to her new room.
"This is where you'll be staying." Said Poppy.
"I love it." Said Viva decorating her room.

Viva hangs up photos all her photos of her and Clay and all of her scrapbooks and other things.
*The next day*

Viva was getting ready to hang out with Clay.
"Hey Viva,where are you going." Said Poppy.
"Me and Clay are going exploring around troll village." Said Viva.
"Sounds fun." Said Poppy.

*Later that evening*
Viva skips back to Poppy's pod looking really cheerful.
"Hey Viva!" Said Poppy.
"Hey Poppy." Said Viva.
"Why are you so happy?" Said Poppy.
"Oh,nothing." Said Viva.

"Do you like Clay?" Said Poppy.
"What,no." Said Viva blushing.
"Are you sure." Said Poppy.
"Definitely,he's my best friend." Said Viva.
"Then why is your face turning red?" Said Poppy.
"Ugh okay fine,I LIKE CLAY!" Shouted Viva.
"Why don't you tell him?" Said Poppy.
"But he's my best friend wouldn't it be weird?" Said Viva.
"I don't think so." Said Poppy.

Meanwhile At Branch's Bunker :

"Hey guys I'm back." Said Clay.
"Hey Clay." Said Branch.
"Hey." Said Floyd.

*Clay goes to his room*

"Ugh." Said Clay.
"Clay,is there something wrong?" Said Branch.
"NO,Everything's fine." Said Clay sounding weird.
"Are you sure." Said Floyd.
"Definitely...not(he whispered)." Said Clay.
Floyd and Branch go to Clay's room to check what's going on.
"What's up?" Said Branch.
"Well,I,'s embarrassing."Said Clay.
"You can tell us." Said Floyd.
Clay takes a deep breath.
"Well I kinda have a crush,on this girl but I don't know how to tell her." Said Clay.
"What girl?" Said Branch.
"Viva." Said Clay.
"Have you tried telling her." Said Floyd.
"No,I mean she's my best friend it would be weird." Said Clay.
"Why don't you tell her tomorrow." Said Branch.
"Ok." Said Clay.

*The next day*
John Dory and Bruce are visiting.
"Hey guys." Said John.
"Hi." Said Bruce.
"Hey guys." Said Branch.
"Hi." Said Floyd.
"Where's Clay?" Said John.
"He said he had to do something." Said Branch.
"He'll come soon." Said Floyd.

*Clay comes out*
"Hey John,hey Bruce." Said Clay.
Bruce and Clay do there handshake.
"Where have you been Clay." Said Bruce.
"Oh umm nowhere." Said Clay.
"Clay do you want to tell them?" Said Branch.
"Tell us what?" Said John and Bruce.
"I have a crush." Said Clay.
"Oooh." Said John Dory teasing him.
"Shut up John." Said Clay.
"A crush,on who?" Said Bruce.
"Viva." Clay whispered.
"Why don't you tell her?" Said Bruce.
"Because I'm scared and nervous." Said Clay.

*Later that day*

Clay was in his room and John,Bruce,Floyd,Branch and Poppy were talking in the bunker.
"Wait,Clay likes Viva?" Said Poppy.
"Yeah." Said Brozone.
Poppy gasps "Viva said she likes Clay." Said Poppy.
"Really." Said John Dory.

"So,what do we do?" Said Branch.
"Ooh I have a plan." Said Poppy scrapbooking her plan.

"Okay,So first we write a letter to Clay and Viva telling them to meet at a mysterious place and then spy on them." Said Poppy.
Everyone agrees.

Viva :
"Hmm a letter,Dear Viva please come to the forest tomorrow night,from mystery person.
*Poppy comes back*
"Hey Viva,what's that?" Said Poppy.
"A random person sent me a letter asking to meet in the forest." Said Viva.
"Hmm that's weird." Said Poppy suspiciously.

Clay :
"What's this?,a letter for me,Dear Clay please meet me in the forest tomorrow night,from mystery person."
"Hey lil bro what's that?" Said John.
"Is that a letter?" Said Bruce.
"Yeah I got a random letter asking to meet in the forest tomorrow night,should I go." Said Clay.
"I don't know,does it not seem a bit weird,I mean you don't even know who sent you it." Said Floyd.
"Why don't you go and see,Clay?" Said Branch.
"Okay." Said Clay.

To be continued...

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