1.1 The River's Edge

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(A/N: slightly explicit content warning.)

Y/n looked up from her phone as they pulled up to an apartment, located in a small town named Riverdale.

She looked over to her right as Veronica rolls her window down to look at the apartment, she then proceeds to get out and y/n did the same.

She settled herself right next to her mother and her sister is on her left. We all observe the apartment in front of us called 'The Pembrooke.'

"Now brace yourselves. The apartment's small, a pied-a-terre, but-."

"Quality, always." We all say in unison. Y/n rolled her eyes at the saying.

"Plus, it's the only piece of property in my name and not your father's." Y/n scoffed as she began to walk away.

"That's surprising." Y/n muttered.

Veronica giggled at the comment and they both began to walk into the pembrooke.

They walked through the fancy doors and their mother was immediately greeted by an old, kind-looking man.

"Ms. Hermione." The old man said with a smile, walking towards them.

"Welcome home!" He said walking in with open arms.

"Smithers! You're a sight for sore eyes." Their mother said as they kissed each others cheeks.

"How was the ride?" He asked.

It was horrible.

"No traffic, thank God."

"Smithers, I'd like to introduce you to my daughters Veronica and y/n."

"It's a pleasure, miss." Smithers said to Veronica.
"Hi." They shook hands.

Smithers turned to look at y/n with a small smile and she returned the favor.

"Nice to meet you." He said moving his hand towards hers for a little shake. She took his hand in hers, giving it a gentle shake."Nice to meet you too."

"I'll get the bags."

"Would you?"

Veronica and y/n looked around the apartment taking in our surroundings.

"Oh, and would you like some menus, ma'am? So you can order in?"

"Oh, no. I have been craving one Pop Tate's cheeseburgers since noon. Is his Chock'lit Shoppe still open?"

"What is a Chock'lit shoppe-" Veronica asked.

"-And why does it sell burgers?" Y/n finished.


They entered the Chock'lit shoppe.

"This is nice." Y/n said looking around the the diner.

She felt Veronica grab her hand and pulled her down towards the booth where a blonde girl and red head guy was sitting across from each other.

𝐌𝐬. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 - [𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐞𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now