S2 E2: Nighthawks

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A/N: one more episode...plus I just realized that they don't have an official name for the black hood yet so just pretend like she didn't call him The black hood. Also this was rushed and not proofread. :(



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Y/N sat up in bed, her breath ragged from a restless night haunted by nightmares of the black hood. Dark circles engraved under her eyes, evidence of her sleepless torture. She hugged her knees to her chest, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth of her own body.

As she finally got the strength to get up, her joints protested with loud cracks, echoing in the silence of the room. With a wince, she stretched her legs, trying to relieve some of the stiffness that had settled in overnight.

Her gaze fell on the boot lying on the floor beside her bed, a reminder of her sprained ankle from the previous day. With slightly stilled movements, she carefully slipped it on, wincing as the pressure settled around the tender joint.

Determined to push through the exhaustion and fear, y/n pushed herself to go through her morning routine. She splashed cold water on her face, hoping to wash away the lingering remnants of her nightmares. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and got dressed for the day.

Y/N gathered her books for school, fighting exhaustion and fear. With determination, she set out to face the day, despite the memory of the black hooded man lingering in her mind.


After y/n and Veronica got ready they went down to the lobby to leave for school. "TTFN Smithers." Veronica said as her and her sister walked towards the door.

"Uh, wait, ms. Y/n, ms. Veronica. You ladies might wanna take the side exit." Smithers warned them.

Y/n and Veronica exchanged confused glances before looking back at Smithers.

"Umm?" Y/n muttered leaning against her crutches.

"Why?" Veronica asked.

The sound of the door opening then closing made the three of them look towards the source of the sound. "Yeah why, Smithers?" Their father asked walking over to them.

"Because they might bump into me coming in from an early run?" Hiram questioned.

"Good morning, Father." Veronica greeted him, y/n giving him a subtle wave.

"Mijas." He gestured toward both of them. "You leave before breakfast, you come after your mother and I have had dinner. I can't remember the last time we had meal together as a family." Hiram admitted.

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