The Sweet Hereafter

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The police lights were blazing outside of the Blossom barn

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The police lights were blazing outside of the Blossom barn. Clifford had hung himself.

"It was the ultimate cliffhanger. Clifford Blossom had killed himself. But why? Life's not an Agatha Christie novel. It's a lot messier."

The police were searching the barn while Sheriff Keller retrieved the drugs, which were coated in maple syrup. "What the hell is Cliff Blossom doing with drugs?"

"Turns out, maple syrup was a front for his true business. Transporting heroin from Montreal on his trucks. A narrative quickly emerged."

The police searched the house where they found all of his treasured belongings.

"A narrative quickly emerged. Jason learned about dear old Dad's drug running and threatened to expose the truth. Which led to Jason's abduction at the hands of a Southside Serpent named Mustang."

"And then to Jason's murder at the hands of his father."

"Clifford killed Mustang to cover his tracks, making it look like he'd overdosed, and tried to implicate a rival businessman, Hiram Lodge, as having masterminded the whole thing."


"And, oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Mr. Blossom threatened my life so that my dad would confess to pulling the trigger, even though all he did was clean up the mess."

Jughead was sitting on a stool in Pop's diner typing away on his laptop. It was a week later and y/n now works at pops. She had her new pops uniform on. "Here you go, jug." Y/n said before going back to serving other customers.

"And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for a group of pesky kids who uncovered the truth."

"Even as Clifford Blossom, consumed by guilt and shame, took the coward's way out..."

"Jason's murder had revealed some dark truths none of us were too eager to face."

"Especially not Mayor McCoy, who wanted every last vestige of corruption crushed like a snake under a boot heel."


"And when should I be expecting Mr. Lodge?" Smithers asked.

"Not until the end of the month, but everything has to be perfect." Hermione informed him.

Y/n still can't get over that her father is going to be back sooner rather than later. He'll be back in their lives and in Riverdale by the end of the month.

"Yes, we would not want to make Daddy angry." Veronica said as she read from a book.

"That'll be all, Smithers. Thank you." Hermione said.

𝐌𝐬. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 - [𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐞𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now