Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!

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Third-person POV:


It's the most basic,
the most human emotion.

As kids, we're afraid of everything.

The dark...

The boogeyman under the bed...

And we pray for morning.
For the monsters to go away.

Though they never do. Not really.

Just ask Jason Blossom.


Y/n stretched and groaned as she woke up and realized that jughead wasn't in the bed anymore but he was getting ready for something.

"I feel like the floor was better than the bed." her back cracked as she stretched.

"What time is it- it's not even time to get up yet why are you up so early?" she asked while looking at her phone.

"Uh- Betty invited me over for breakfast." he chuckled with a blush painting over his face.

Y/n gasped.

"You like Betty! Aw." she gasped again. "You guys would be so adorable, with your little murder fantasies!" She clapped her hands.

"But like can you bring me one of those Cooper pancakes, I'll forgive you for taking my fries." She asked as she gathered her things to go take a shower.

"Of course." he said. As she got up he walked over to her and kissed her temple then left the supply closet.

She sighed then walked out of the closet and went to the locker room wanting to take a shower early so she could chill before class started.


Jughead came back to school empty-handed with no pancake in sight so she decided to ignore him.

Everyone was in the auditorium watching Archie's audition.

Y/n sat next to Veronica with her camera in her lap.

"Archie Andrews?" Kevin said in the microphone.

"And what will you be auditioning with?" he asked.

"Uh, an original song that I wrote called I'll Try." Archie said.

"Try harder!" Reggie yelled.

"Maybe try not sucking so much." Reggie said making the crowd laugh.

His hands started to shake.

"Take your time, Archie. Though we do have people waiting." Kevin said.

"Oh, my god, what's happening?" Veronica asked.

Josie leaned forward to answer her question.

Y/n has a love-hate relationship with Josie. She's so rude to the rest of the pussycats and it kinda gives her an ick.

"He's choking." Josie said.

"Archie? clock's ticking." Kevin said.

"Excuse me. Sorry, I have to go." Archie said making y/n groan.

The group of football players started to cheer and laugh.

"I was supposed to take pictures of the auditions for the yearbook." Y/n said to Veronica.


"It's been months. There's gotta be a reason my mom and dad don't want me to see Polly. but I don't care anymore." Betty told Jughead.

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