The Lost weekend

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A/N: not proofread...

Y/n woke up, stretching in the puffy comforter of her big bed and blanket. Realizing that she was in her bed, after jumping from couch to couch for a few weeks, she finally had a good night's rest.


After y/n got ready for school, she met up with Veronica who was in the living room, and was ready to go but was patiently waiting for her little sister.

"You ready to go..?" Y/n asked.

Veronica didn't answer. "What's going on?" Veronica asked referring to the guy that sitting across from their mother.

"Veronica, y/n, this is Paul Sowerberry, your father's attorney. He's here to prep us for our statements and help at your dad's hearing." Hermione explained.

"I thought we already established this, we aren't giving you one." Y/n said.

"Not one you'd want anyway, let's go y/n." Veronica said walking away but Hermione grabbed her before she could even make it to the door.

"You won't be asked any questions about your father's business arrangements. We just need you and your mother to speak to his character. It'll humanize him. Which could mean a lesser sentence. If you don't make a statement, well, that's problematic and damaging." Paul explained.

"And I've them all of this." Hermione said.

"Well, Dad made his bed. And we're late for school. C'mon y/n." Veronica said.

They then left for school.


After being bombarded by Archie and Betty when they arrived at school, they explained to Veronica how Clifford Blossom was somewhat responsible for putting their dad in jail.

Right now, Archie, Betty, and y/n were walking down the hallway. "Hey, you guys may or may not have known this, but tomorrow is Jughead's birthday." Archie told them.

"What? And he didn't say anything?" Betty asked.

"Really? I honestly thought he was a vampire." Y/n admitted with a chuckle.

"He doesn't like making a big deal out of it. Every year, he goes to a double feature at the Bijou. It's like this tradition. Last few years, I've been his movie buddy. But now that he has a girlfriend..." Archie explained.

"Well, of course, I'll take him. But you should still come with us. You too, y/n." Betty said.

She narrowed her eyes at Betty. "Um, no I'm pretty sure a hug from me would be just fine." Y/n said causing Archie to chuckle.

"I don't wanna be a third wheel." Archie said.

"C'mon, it'll be like old times." Betty said.

Y/n made her lips go into a thin line, not knowing what those old times were like made it kinda of awkward, so she just stayed quiet.

"The three musketeers."Archie said with a smile.

"Actually, Archie, there were four Musketeers." Betty said.

Archie laughed. "I'll see you later Betty." Archie said as he began to walk away.

"Okay." Betty said.

"Okay, y/n?" Betty called out to her.

"Yeah?" She answered her.

"I'm gonna call FP and ask him if he's gonna come to the party tomorrow." Betty said.

"There's a party tomorrow?" Y/n asked.

"For jughead's birthday?" Betty said.

"Ohh, I'll come with." Y/n simply said.

𝐌𝐬. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 - [𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐩𝐞𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now