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I get back into my room after my shower and have a text waiting on me from Trent.

Livy, I am so sorry for the whole situation. It won't happen again unless you want to try and venture out. If you decide to go to any parties please just let me know so I can be there. Night.

I smile. My brother got on my last nerves some times, but he genuinely cared about me. I started getting dressed and putting my shower belongings away and another text comes through.

Night Olivia, nice walking with you tonight. Noah.

I stand in shock of the message. First, how did he get my number? Second, why is he texting me? After knowing my brother all this time he has never shown interest in me. Not that I care. Noah may honestly be the only one who has made me feel anything with just a look since what happened in high school, but I still vow not to go there, especially with my brother's best friend. I don't even reply. I lay down and don't even grab a book. I feel like I am living out my own book. I turn the light off and let the tiredness from all of today's events wash over me.

I wake up to seeing Noah over me and I don't even jump. He stares at me grabbing my face and leans down gently kissing my cheek, I gasp at his touch while keeping eye contact. He moves those gentle kisses to my neck and a small moan escapes my lips. He comes back to my mouth and crashes into me with a feverish kiss. Some how we switch spots and I am on top of him taking my shirt off; he begins to graze his eyes over me and I could come undone with the look alone. His hands meet my hips and we are back kissing. The way his tongue moves in my mouth and me grinding up against his pants has me begging for more, "please, Noah." His hands move from my hips then his fingers tease the edge of my panties, I part my legs even more almost begging for him to insert his fingers in me, just as he goes to slip a finger in I am awoken by an alarm on my phone, it was 6:00 a.m.

Shit, what the actual fuck was that? I never have dreams like that. It was so hot. I literally sit there feverish and flush from just a dream. I have to shake this. I can not be thinking like this. My college classes have not even began and I am already thinking of doing the unthinkable with my brother's best friend. How am I supposed to make it four years. I have to clear my head. I grab my running shoes and change into running shorts and a sports bra, definitely not going for leggings today, it was so hot yesterday. I walk out of my dorm and stretch on a near by bench. There's a guy on the other side on another bench stretching. He looks my way and tilts his head in a hello.

I smile back at him and begin my run. I am about a mile and half into my run and decide to turn around. I round the corner and start my run back and about that time I see a group of guys heading to what I assume is the training facility for sports. As soon as I spot my brother I knew it wouldn't be long before I spotted Noah. Crap, I forgot they said something about early morning practice, but to be honest I didn't know where the football field was let alone their training facilities. I try to quickly turn, but I was too late. Trent yells out, "Livy!" He comes running over to me, I come to a stop with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. "Hey! Did you get my text last night? I am really sorry." 

I look up at him being the big ole teddy bear he is. I could never stay mad at him. "Yea I did, I forgot to reply. It's no biggie. We're good." I smile and he smiles back. It's not long before a bunch of guys come up behind him and put there arms around him. One says, "Trent, you didn't tell us you got a girlfriend." Another punches his shoulder, "dude, she's hot, when you're done I call dibs." I am completely disgusted for many reasons. 

"Guys, this is my sister. Thanks for making me want to throw up. Livy, these are all the guys. Guys this is Livy and this is a good opportunity to tell all of you, she is off limits. If I so much as see you make a pass or look in her way I will make your life a living hell." I roll my eyes at him, but honestly thankful for that threat cause some of these guys give me the absolute creeps. As all of them are grunting and complaining I see Noah come around the group.

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