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I woke up to the bing of my phone and it took a little bit to figure out where I was. I was still in Olivia's room and she had her arm wrapped around me with her head on my chest. I didn't move at first soaking in the moment, but my phone binged again. Without her waking I stretched my arm to get my phone off the chair beside the bed and looked to see seven missed calls. It was Trent.

I shot up waking Olivia in the process. Before she began to say anything I put my finger over my lips for her not to say anything as I was calling her brother.

"Noah, where the fuck are you? We were all worried and we have a game today and when you didn't come home last night it had the whole team worried." I pulled the phone back and looked at the time at was almost 6:30 a.m. so it wasn't like I was late. "Are you good, Noah?"

"Yea, man. I hooked up with some girl last night and fell asleep." I looked and silently mouthed sorry to Olivia, but she seemed unfazed by what I had said.

"Shut the fuck up man. We all know you never sleep over; you've even told us that's against your policy." He said laughing. "You got pussy whipped without telling us? Who's the girl? Is it Lexi?"

"No Trent it's nothing like that. I am heading out now...see you soon." I hung up before he could say anything else.

"I am so sorry, I must of feel asleep." I grabbed my keys as she pulled the cover down and reveals her breasts and grabs her bra to put on and I am instantly hard. I watch as she gets dressed and it is almost as sexy as her undressing. I lean down startling her to kiss her cheek, not wanting to push my limits and honestly if I kiss her like I wanted I would be undressing her again.

"Thanks Noah, for last night." She blushes and gets up.

"No, thank you, Livy." I grin and go toward the door and pull it open, "I'll text you and we can meet up some time this week to hang out." Before I close the door she hops up and is taking her shorts off to switch to her running shorts and as she slides the jeans off a black, barely there, thong is on full show. But what is really the show is her ass and she is covering it with running shorts as she looks up to see me staring.

"Bye Noah, talk to you later." She's smiling realizing how affected I am by her. But with that I walk away with a hard on, praying no one sees me leaving the building.

I made it back to the football house without anyone seeing where I came from. I run up take a shower and head down stairs to see Trent and Travis hanging out on the couch. They look up at me grinning and Trent saying, "hey man, may have caused us to almost start a search party last night." I sat down quietly. It would only be an hour and we would be heading to the football team room to start going over plays. "Well since your not going to talk about whoever you were with last night, which has to be more than a fuck buddy, can we talk about how coach put a message on our board that we are going to start with a meeting before we discuss plays. Wonder what it could be about?" I look up, knowing what it was about I couldn't help but smile. "Shit, Noah you know what it is?"

"Yes Trent, but I'm not saying, but don't stress, it's nothing bad." Not wanting to tell the secret I get up before he begins pestering me and head to my room to grab my things to head to the meeting, trying to suppress my excitement about being announced as captain.

I get to the locker room to put my things down and my phone goes off, it's Olivia.

Good luck today.

I smile and put my phone away and head toward our meeting. I get in the team room and sit in the chair beside Trent. Coach comes and sets his papers down and starts his speech.

"Guys, today is an important day. It's the first game to what can be an amazing season. I feel like this could be our year to win it all. Before we go over some plays I want to take time to tell you I am announcing you team captain today. This individual is a hard working individual on and off the field. I feel like he is a good example and all of you take direction from him well. Guys, your captain is Jenkins." Shouts and hollering let loose as everyone around me chest bumped me and was shaking my hand. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I was proud.

"Alright guys," coach continued, "settle down. Congrats Jenkins, you deserve it. Now on to plays." He led into all our plays expectations of the other team. We finished up and we went and got dressed as our first game was a home game. Tonight we would win and all I could think of was when it's over I can't wait to talk to Olivia.

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