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It had been a couple days since seeing Noah and Trent. Life seemed to go on. I had started my classes and it was all good, but I couldn't get Noah out of my head. After classes I would walk down to Sarah's cafe and we would catch up briefly while I would immerse myself into my studies. Sometimes it was easier to study in busy places for me. It almost made me focus, whereas being in my bedroom with no one watching me had me in my head. And all I could think about was him. The way he kissed me that night, the way his dick felt in my mouth, the way he reacted and I reacted to him with just a touch....I snap myself out of it as I am sitting around multiple people and I could feel a blush coming on at just the thought of things I shouldn't be thinking of. I get back into studying.

I was smart, always had been. I graduated high in my class. I intended on graduating high in college as well. I was reading a chapter in my psychology text when I felt a presence. I looked up to see Noah at the counter ordering coffee. He was with some friends. He looked over at me and gave me a half smile. I smiled back and forced myself to continue to read. Trying not to be obvious that I want to follow his every move I glance up to see him walking toward me.

"Hey Olivia." He pulls a chair out and sits in front of me.

"Hey." I reply.

"Whatcha studying?" He grabs my book and turns it around me. His close proximity is giving me chills and instantly I am wet just being around him. Does he realize how he makes girls and probably some guys feel just with his presence?

I grab the book back. "Pyschology...among other things." I motion toward my stack of textbooks.

He chuckles. "So you're a nerd." I am taken back.

"If studying for my college classes that I need my college scholarship to pay for and can't afford to lose makes me a nerd, 100% yes." I said with a shortness. He doesn't understand that just because my parents have the money doesn't mean I want it all. I want to prove I did it on my own. And since not all of us have a future with a sport and not going pro to make millions of dollars I have to get a job. But I didn't mention all that.

"Olivia, it was a joke." He sighed and looks toward the door where his friends are heading and they wave for him to come on now that they got their coffees. "Hey, how smart are you? I know we are few classes apart, but I am having to retake an entry level math course and could use some help. I would prefer not to tell people as I wouldn't want to appear to be the typical stereotype dumb jock, but math was never my forte and I want to pass to get my degree." I look at him blankly.

"What's in it for me?" He pauses seeing his friends waving again. Getting out of his chair. "You know where I live, let me know if this works for you and what you want. I could pay you. It would really help me out. I'll talk to you later."

He rushes out the door before I could respond and it's not long that Sarah slides into his empty chair.

"Ok, give me all the deets. Why was Noah sitting at your table and what did he want?" She is so eager with gossip.

"He was just saying hey and asked if I could help him with tutoring." Sarah and I had caught up on everything that had happened and how I bailed on him, I told her some of my history and gave a general idea of what had happened in high school, but not exact. She was my only friend. "He said he would do whatever I wanted in return or could pay me if I wanted." I am sitting there getting my study materials together about to head back to my room.

"Shut the fuck up, you have to take him up on it." She was smiling ear to ear. "Livy, I need you to do this so I can live vicariously through you."

"Sarah, it all sounds fun, but I don't know why you would care so much about me studying."

"Livy, this is your chance to get over your past in the best way you can. You can use him to your advantage. Tell him as much as you feel comfortable with and ask him to explore things with you exactly how you want to without feeling pressure or rushed into something. He's hot and hot for you. This could be your gateway to finally have sex 'slowly'."

"I am not telling him what happened and I don't think he meant I could use him to explore my limits in exchange for tutoring. And I don't think he meant Livy can you tutor me, I will date you if you want just to help me study." I looked at her in awe of how she came up with these ideas, she's been reading too many books.

"Hear me out, if he was willing to let you test your limits out maybe you could find peace and move on and have a love and sex life. You're going to have to one day and what better way with the notorious Noah? Present it as a friends with benefits, no dating and no expectations."

"Sarah, you're crazy. I am not doing that. I have to head back to the dorm and get to bed, my class in the morn is early. I'll see you tomorrow." Sarah stood up as I did.

"Livy, take a chance you're only in college making stupid choices once. Don't let one stupid idiot ruin your future. Have fun!"

I wave her off and start walking toward my dorm. As I approach the dorm I am internally thinking about what Sarah said. There is no way I can ask that. But it was a good thought finding someone to keep my secret and be respectful to allow me to test my limits slowly and I am technically trading something for something he needs. He has so many prospects I doubt he would want me more than once. I push everything to the back of my brain and head up to my dorm and try to go to sleep. Why did Sarah have to put thoughts like these in my head.

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