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It had been three weeks since Noah took my virginity and since I had talked to him. They had two away games back to back and this week they played at home. While we were use to not seeing each other much during the week, them being away for the weekends meant I had an excuse to not be around Trent, which meant I wouldn't run into Noah.

I don't know what I was thinking, I started falling for Noah and as much as it hurt to walk away the fact that he hasn't texted or called confirmed I made the right decision. Not that I was mad he didn't do those things, it confirmed he agreed we needed to end what was going on.

I was on my way out to go meet Trent at the diner, it had been two weeks since our last brunch as well. I walked out of Charolette Hall running into Britt.

"Hey Livy, how's it going?" Britt was cheerful and by herself for once.

"Great, how are you?" I replied giving her a smile as well. Though I feel like I will never be the same person I was before that night, being with Noah and away from home I have definitely started living more and feel better, minus how much I miss Noah.

"Good! Hey, a couple of us are going to the lake this afternoon. It's probably our last time before it's too cold to go swimming any more. You want to join?" I hesitated knowing Lexi would probably be there and I get this sense she isn't my number one fan.

"I'll think about it, thanks for the invite!"

"Here give me your phone," I hand over my phone as she puts her number in and name with a smiley face beside it, "I just texted my self so I'll have your number. I'll send you details over in a bit." She gives a slight wave and walks away. A few weeks ago I would have never considered going off with her, but I feel at ease with her.

I walk down to the football house to meet Trent today before going to the diner, hoping I wouldn't run into Noah. I know at some point I am going to run into him with my brother being his best friend. I go up to knock and before I can Noah opens the door practically running into me. He stops and holding me by the shoulders to steady me so I don't fall.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Olivia. I didn't know you were there." I stand there speechless and still as his hands on my shoulders are sending waves of pleasure through me. He steps back letting go of me as if realizing what I am feeling.

"It's ok." I say shyly. "I am here to meet my..." before I can finish Lexi goes around Noah walking out.

"Come on, Noah let's head out I need to get back to my dorm before this afternoon." I look back at Noah and he's reading me, knowing what I am thinking. He goes to talk, but before he can Trent comes out as well.

He grabs me up in a hug, "Livy, good to see you. It's only been two weeks, but am I imagining have you lost weight?" I am still making eye contact with Noah, trying to hold back tears. It's not his fault, I knew he would hook up with other people, but it hurt knowing he was leaving out with Lexi after she had spent all night with him.

"I have been running a bit more. I don't think I lost any weight." I am now looking at Trent. But I knew I had lost some more weight. I had began running more with the stress of everything. It is the only way I turn everything off.

"Come on, Noah. I am ready to go." Lexi pulls him toward his truck and I follow Trent to his car and Noah and I go our separate ways. I can't help but look over my shoulder to steal one more peek at him before I get in and I see him staring at me, he appears mad. What could he be mad at me about.

We pull up to the diner and go in. I order my usual pancakes while Trent orders everything on the menu. We make small talk and finally he brings up Noah. I have been concerned he may come up and that Trent had found out about that night, but has never said anything.

I pull out of my thoughts as he starts talking football, "we've went undefeated. This is going to be a great year to finish on. I am sure Noah and I will be drafted." Him just saying Noah's name makes my heart race. "Speaking of Noah, I thought you were tutoring him, but I haven't seen you around?"

"Uh, yeah. He wasn't giving himself enough credit after one or two tutor sessions I realized he was good. He just needed a little confidence boost." I lie hoping Trent will buy it.

"Good, I just can't have my captain flunking out. Not to mention I couldn't imagine graduating without him." He loved Noah like a brother I could see it.

We finished our food, paid our ticket and headed out. He dropped me off at my dorm. "Livy, I will see you next Sunday. Text or call if you need me."

"Will do, big bro. Love you." I turn and walk back to my dorm. When I get inside I lay on my bed. I needed something. I needed something other than these four walls to keep my mind off the only thing it goes to, Noah. A bing comes through my phone and it's Britt texting me the details of the Lake day. I go shower shaving from top to bottom and put on a two piece that I haven't worn in years so its a little small for my now bigger breasts and kind of rides up my ass, but it would be just us girls. I throw on some cut off shorts and tank. I order a Uber and head toward the lake.

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