Chapter 2

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As I got to Vince's office I knocked gently on the door as my hand began to shake. I don't know why it was, I met Vince before.  "Come in Julianna," he said while motioning me to take a seat in one of the many chairs.

Joshua and Jonathan  to my office, the intercom  announced again.

"Anyways Julianna you'll be put into with the two men I just called here. You will join them and help them get the win over your brother tonight," Vince explained with me nodding timidly.

"Vince were here," Josh and I guess Jonathan said standing by the doorway. "Okay take a seat." When they chose their seats Josh decided to sit beside me and his brother sat beside him. "Okay Josh you will be directly involved in this story with Julianna. You two will share a kiss tonight as Jonathan pins Colby for the win. Then you'll be a valet and a wrestler alongside them," Vince explained with me nodding again.

Once he handed us our scripts we began to leave the office until Josh stopped me. "Hey Jules are you sure you're okay with this? You seemed pretty scared in the office," Josh asked holding my hand with his. "Yeah... I'll be fine. Just promise not to hit me," I replied trying to put on a small smile for him. "Wouldn't even try to. Anyways bye Jules. See you later."

I couldn't believe it I allowed him to grab my hand and he didn't really make me scared like every other guy I have met. He made me feel safe like Jon has done since I left home with him. Back in their locker room I seen Colby and Jon play fighting with Joe standing there chuckling. "Hey cut it out two tone," I spoke making them freeze. "She talks,"  Colby joked making me laugh at him. "Well looks like you guys just became her friends. Don't ruin it for her. She doesn't trust easily," Jon said sternly as Joe ran over and threw me over his shoulder.

Hours later it was time for Josh, Jonathan, Colby, Joe and Jon's match which I would be going out for. "And making there way to the ring The Sheild," Jojo announced as we made our way through the crowd. "Cole is that Julie Ambrose. Could that be the sister Dean has been talking about for weeks," Jerry asked. "It is her. Oh my God now we have two lunatics at ringside," Michael Cole replied with a small groan in his voice.

During the match I watched Jey and Roman go at it which was fun but the tag was made to Seth and Jimmy. While they fought I knew the match was coming to and end when Seth tried for the buckle bomb. That was when I slipped over to the other side of the ring and kissed Jey. "What the hell are you doing," Dean yelled as the bell rung signaling The Usos won.  Instead of walking back with the rest of The Shield I walked back with The Usos knowing I would have to explain to Jon when I get back to the locker room.

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