Chapter 1

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Opening up the curtains, Alexius looked out her window. It looks like a storm is coming, Alexius thought. Grabbing her crown, she headed out of her bedroom. She missed being able to wear pants and a normal shirt instead of dresses. Alexius got some of her dresses fixed to be shorter so she could move more freely how she liked to feel. She made her way to her father's office where she had been requested. The guards opened up the door and she walked in. "You requested my presence?" She asked. Jaron gestured with his hand for her to sit down in the chair in front of him, which made her a bit uncomfortable.

Jaron set the papers down that he was holding in his hand, he leaned back in his chair, and folded his arms. He looked straight into Alexius's eyes making her feel more uncomfortable. "We're going on a trade trip to another kingdom, and since you are going to one day rule this kingdom yourself you need to see a learn from these things firsthand," Jaron explained. All of Alexius's anxiety flowed away. "How long will we be gone?" she asked. Jaron paused for a moment, "Probably a week or so, it won't be super long. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning, so you should start packing everything now."

Alexius nodded, she bowed her head before her father and left towards her room. As she opened the door, her father stopped her. "This kingdom is known for how dangerous they are, so think about what you'll bring," Jaron said, staring deeply into her green eyes. She nodded in understanding, she knew just how dangerous people could get from personal experiences. "One more thing, find yourself a personal guard to stay with you at all times. I'm not going to risk losing you again," Jaron stressed. "Okay, you don't have to worry about me," she sighed. Jaron dismissed her and she smiled at him before leaving. Quickly running back to her room,  she pulled out her sword and the clothes that she had worn while she disguised herself as "Aria" for about four years.

Alexius packed everything up as quickly as she could, double-checking to make sure she didn't leave anything behind. "That's the last of it, now I need a personal guard," She told herself. Alexius wanted someone she was close to since they would be staying by her side the whole time. Fourtanetly, there was a perfect candidate for this job. Alexius made her way through the palace grounds to the knight's training area. Captain Roden stood straight and wanted his knights as they practiced sword fighting. "Ah Princess, nice to see you," Roden said, bowing before her. Although it had only been about four years, it still felt a bit weird for people to bow before her now.

"Thanks, I'm sure that you heard about the trading quest that we will be going on," She started. Roden nodded, "Yes, Jaron discussed it with me a day or two ago. I'm guessing he wants to assign you a personal knight, am I wrong?" Alexius shook her head, "you're quite spot on!" Roden laughed for a moment and then stared back at his knights. "You stand here for a moment, let me gather my best men that you can choose from," He said, walking off. "Well actually I already have someone in mind," Alexius called out, but Captian Roden was out of earshot. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Roden gather knights into a line for her to choose from. "These are some of my best men!" Roden said proudly. 

Alexius gazed through the men, but she couldn't find who she was looking for. "Where's Cyrus?" She asked confusedly. The men all stared at each other before they burst out laughing. 

"Cyrus, why would you want him?" one said.

"I am a lot more capable of protecting you than stick boy!" One laughed

"you want that frail boy? She must have a crush on him!" Another yelled.

Alexius walked slowly towards the man who had last spoken, slowly pulling out her sword. "Fight me," she said in a quite tone. He grinned at her, "will all due respect princess, that goes against my code and even if I did, I would be to worried of hurting you with one touch." The men all around him laughed. "I said, fight me!" Alexius raised her voice. Roden gave his knight approval to fight her. "Okay then, little princess. Being out on the streets for so long must of made you think your the strongest person in the world." He laughed.


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