Chapter 27

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"No, I think that it's unreasonable to do so. We should wait for our armies to recover, but I think we should press some sort of charges against them," Alexius gave her honest opinion. The regents stared and begun to whisper among one another. Alexius stood awkwardly at Cyrus's side, she hoped that her answer would be good enough for them. One of the regents cleared his throat to speak, he was one of the newer ones so she wasn't quite familiar with him. "Princess, you do speak a good point, but he did attempt to kill you, I believe that more then just a charge of money should happen. I believe that your highness, King Jaron, should go have a word with Gelyn," He stated. "With whom, the King?" Jaron laughed, but then Imogen elbowed him and his face turned serious again.

"With their council," The regent explained. Jaron presumed quiet, he seemed to be in deep thought. "I want to send a letter to Gelyn, requesting an audiance with their highest member of their court," Jaron decided after a moment and the regents seemed somewhat pleased with that. Within the next couple of minutes, the meeting came to an end and Alexius excused herself. Her side was now throbbing more the ever. Her body was exsausted and longed for her bed. "Cyrus do you mind if I lean against you," Alexius asked, looking into his silver eyes. "Are you hurting?" he countered. Alexius didn't want to admit it, but she nodded. 

The next thing she knew she was being swooped off her feet into Cyrus's arms. "Hey! I can walk myself you know!" She argued, but Cyrus ignored her complaints and fighting. Within a bit of time, they had arrived at her room door and Cyrus finally set her back on her feet. She stared angrily at him for a moment, before she gave up with trying to be angry with him. "Thanks," she mumbled, a bit embarrassed. He smiled at her and Alexius limped into her room, she ordered her servants to go away because she wanted to rest alone. They nodded and walked away. Alexius went to close her bedroom door when Cyrus stopped her. "Sorry, but do you think that I could talk to you for a moment?" he asked. Alexius nodded and let him in.

They both sat on her bed and avoided eye contact, they had been pretty awkward between each other since she had woken up. Alexius decided to break the silence, "I heard about what you did after I was.....stabbed." Cyrus turned to face her. "I was scared to loose you, I believed that I could keep you safe in my arms, I was to afraid of what my happen if I let you go," he admitted in a quiet mumble. Alexius stared at the ground, unsure how to answer. "Yeah, so about the thing that happened after you woke up..." Cyrus rubbed the back of his neck, he was obviously feeling more awkward than Alexius. "Listen, I'm sorry about...the kiss, I should've asked first....but I felt like-"

"Shut up," Alexius said.

"Excuse me?" Cyrus asked, confused.

"Just shut up, it's okay. I don't mind, but next time ask me first," Alexius folded her arms. Cyrus laughed nervously and the both fell into an awkward silence. "Well, I'll go now. Fink promised to teach me something," Cyrus said, but honestly it sounded like an excuse to get away. "Oh, well I'll see you around then," Alexius said with a smile. Once Cyrus had left her room, she pulled out a journal. She didn't have much to do, so she figured she'd look through it. Flipping through the pages, she saw many entries of different days and situations. Some drawings were included of her mother, her father, or Darius. As she continued on, she found herself really tired and drifted off.

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