Chapter 4

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After what felt like weeks of traveling overseas, they finally arrived in Oryxicalian. Alexius swiftly changed into a nicer dress and fixed her appearance. She was already late to meet up with her father. Slamming the door open she swiftly ran to where her father stood at the edge of the ship, Cyrus followed behind her. "Sorry," she coughed up through her shuttered breathing. Jaron raised a brow at her before turning his face towards the dock. Alexius already felt like she was sweating a pool it was so hot. They were greeted by the Oryxicalian army and brought to the castle where they were faced by big golden doors.

"That seems a bit excessive," Alexius muttered, but loud enough for her father to hear. He smirked at what she said but straightened his face when the doors started to open. There in the center of the room was a boy who looked to be about twenty. He had dark medium-short hair, he was muscular with tattoos all along his arms and one on his neck. He glared at us with his golden cat-looking eyes. He had two scars on his face. He heaved out a loud sigh, "let's get this over with already. I have a spa appointment in a couple of minutes." Alexius was surprised by the amount of disrespect he had. "Excuse me, we're supposed to be meeting with King Tucknack?" Jaron asked. 

The boy stopped eating his grapes and gave a side glance at Jaron before he busted out laughing. "That old hag? He died a couple of months ago! Now I rule as King Hakkan!" He said proudly. "Oh, I'm sorry for the passing of your father Hakkan, I had no clue that he passed," Jaron said sadly. Hakkan looked at Jaron like he was crazy. "Whatever, likes to get this stupid trade over with!" He said bordley. "Um excuse me, King Hakkan, this trade is vital for our kingdoms and you should treat some respect if you still want to do this trade! You should learn some respect for other rulers and your father! No one will respect you if you continue acting like a spoiled three-year-old!" Alexius snapped. Everyone in the room fell silent. Hakkan slowly rose from his throne before pulling out his sword and pointing it at her. "How dare you disrespect the King of a foreign kingdom," he growled in a low voice. 

Alexius laughed, "That's exactly what you were doing to my father and I will not tolerate some man-child like you! Treat people how you want to be treated!" Hakkan looked even more angry, "Maybe if I throw this sword at you you'll shut up." Cyrus looked like he was about to leap onto Hakkan but Alexius stuck her arm out in front of him. "Alexius, stop what you're doing, let's just do this trade and be gone. Carthya doesn't have the army to fight this kingdom at the moment," Jaron quietly hissed at her. Alexius stared deep into her father's green eyes, he needed him to trust her on this. He sighed and let her continue. "Okay, throw it at me then, because once you do, you'll have a bigger problem than me," Alexius said with a smirk on her face.

Hakkan laughed, "You thought that I was being for real? I guess you Carthyians always have a plan for anything!" Alexius and Jaron shared confused glances at each other. "I'll have my servants bring you to your rooms and get you guys some better clothes to fit our climate," Hakkan said and ordered his servants to do so. Alexius followed a small girl to her room where she would be staying. All of her stuff was already in there and Cyrus stood next to her as she glanced around the room. "My name is Mari, I'll be here to help and assist you with anything," She said as she bowed. "Hello, you may call me Alexius, I do have one quick favor if you could do it?" Alexius asked. "Sure, I'll do anything. Oh, and I put your clothes on you bed," Mari said. "Thanks, can you get my knight a personal room close to mine?" She asked. "Alexius you don't have to-" Cyrus said, but Mari cut him off. "Of course, please follow me Mr?" Mari asked. "Cyrus, just call me Cyrus." She nodded and led him out of her room. "I'll be back in a moment," Cyrus said. Alexius nodded and closed the door behind them.

{    I forgot to say in the first chapter that Imogen didn't go on this trip with them. She stayed in carthya preparing for a ball for something special that will be revealed later on >:D     }

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