Chapter 23

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Cyrus's POV

The war had finally ended, Cyrus couldn't believe that Jaron still offered up the trade even after all this bloodshed. Jaron was the type of guy he would never come to understand. Cyrus watched as Alexius bowed before the Gelyn king and started to walk away. Gelmore then pulled out his sword and shouted, "I won't let it end like this!" What happened next happened so fast that Cyrus didn't have the time to comprehend what happened. Then he realized it, the sword had gone straight through Alexius's side, basically impaling her. He couldn't believe what he had just saw. "NO!" Cyrus screamed, lunging forward he grabbed Alexius before she fell to the ground. 

Everything else the happened around him became a blur. All he was focused on was Alexius and Alexius only. "NO! Wake up! Please! Come on, wake up!" Cyrus cried as he held Alexius close to him. "Please, Carthya needs you, Jaron needs you, I.....need you," Cyrus said. Cyrus didn't know much about medical stuff, but he did know a bit. Cyrus wasn't about to let the love of his life die, especially not by the hands of the Gelyn king. Cyrus quickly took off his coat and raped it tightly around the wound. This would have to do until he could get her to tobais. "Alexius," he heard Jaron's voice horsley call. "We need to get her to the palace now," Jaron said, rushing to grab his horse. 

"Let me carry her ther-"

"No," Cyrus interupted Hakkan.

"But she'll be my wi-"

"I said no," Cyrus interupted again before hoping onto the back of Jaron's horse.

They raced against time and all of life, they needed to get back to the castle, and quickly or Alexius will be gone. Cyrus held her tightly, he was so scared to lose her, he couldn't lose her, he wouldn't know how to live without her. Before he knew it he was back at the castle, Jaron quickly dismounted the horse and reached out his hands to take Alexius. He wanted to argue, but he knew that he shouldn't so he let Jaron take her. Jaron was her father after all and Cyrus was...........only a friend.

He walked into the castle and made his way to his room which he hadn't been in for what seemed like forever ago. He sat down on his bed and tried to refrain from crying. Even if Alexius did survive, she would have to marry Hakkan and he would mean nothing anymore. He didn't even want to think about what might happen if she does die. "No, she won't die, she can't die," Cyrus told himself, but had anyone ever survived being stabbed in the gut and survived? 

Cyrus wanted to distract himself from this whole situation, but how? He rumaged through his room to see what he could do. He started to look through his desk when he found a pile of papers in his drawer. Curious on what they were, he pulled them out and placed them on his desk. He laughed at the first paper, it was a silly drawing that Alexius and Cyrus had made as a joke and stuck on the back of one of the servants. It was a mean servant who was always in their business.

For awhile he continued to look through their goofy drawings they had made together until there were no more left. Then there was a knock on the door, "Yes?" Cyrus asked. Jaron walked through the door, he looked upset, so Cyrus prepared himself for the worst. "We don't know if she'll make it, we were lucky enough that it didn't hit anything important, we have to wait now. It's late anyways, you should get some sleep," Jaron said. Cyrus nodded, "Thanks for letting me know."

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