Chapter 28

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"Ugh! Darius did you touch my sword again! I'm going to hurt you!" Alexius yelled. "Blah blah blah, I don't see why it's yours. I'm a guy after all so it should be my sword!" Darius complained. "Are you serious! How many times has dad had to explain this to you! You'll get one when you're ready!" Alexius argued, trying to reach for her sword which Darius had stolen from her, but he swiftly dodged. The two were in her room arguing for what seemed to be like several hours. Darius would not give her back her sword, but she refused to ask someone for help. So she pushed on in the argument, which made things worse.

"Give it back before I knock you out!" Alexius held out her hand for her sword. Her anger was rising quickly and she wasn't sure how much longer she could refrain from hitting him. "Do it! I dare you, because you won't!" Darius stuck his tongue out at her. In a sudden burst of rage, she lunged for her brother, pushing them both to the ground. One advantage that Darius always used was constantly kicking her in the gut, which she didn't appreciate.

"Give it back you jerk!" Alexius wanted to swear him out so badly. "It's mine!" Darius held it out of her reach and kicked her in the face. They both paused for a moment, Alexius flinched and set her jaw forward, trying to reduce the paint. Looking back at Darius, his face had become pale, he knew that he had made a terrible mistake. Alexius took her sword while Darius was distracted. She unsheathed it and pointed it at her brother. "Get out of my room, NOW!" She snapped. Darius stood up to leave, but when Alexius wasn't looking, he lunged for her and the sword again. Alexius, quickly thinking, blocked him with the flat side of her sword. 

Darius knocked both of them to the ground and she hit the back of her head on her bed frame. Darius had his hands on the sharp side of the sword as in trying to force it back towards her, which was stupid because she noticed that his hands were starting to bleed. "What are you doing stupid, you're hurting yourself!" Alexius cried, but Darius ignored her and pushed on. Trying to prevent him from further damage to his hand, she shifted them to where Alexius was now on top and pushing her brother with the flat end of the sword towards the ground. Darius screamed out loudly, which their father and mother must of heard because they entered the room in a rush within the next couple of minutes. 

"What in the devils are you two doing! You are not animals, get up!" Jaron snapped at the both of them. Alexius dropped her sword and stood up, bowing her head before her father, Darius did the same. "So who wants to explain what happened in here?" Jaron asked as he raised a brow at them. Alexius shot an angry look at Darius for him to explain himself, but by the smirk he gave her, he was obviously going to lie. "Alexius and I were playing a game of kings vs queens and when I beat her in the game she got mad and attacked me!" Darius cried. "You little son of a-" but Jaron grabbed her before she could lunge at her brother. "Darius, tell the truth," Imogen said in a sweet but stern voice as she glared at him. He stared at her for a moment as if he was deciding if he wanted to continue to lie or not. He must've chosen not to because her avoided her glare. "I might of stolen Alexius's sword and we got into a fight, but she started it!" Darius accused.


"ALEXIUS!" Jaron pulled her around to face him, his leaf green eyes burned into her. "You are a princess of Carthya and you will act like it!" Jaron scorned. Alexius wanted to argue back, but obeyed, she knew that it would be a losing fight for her. Darius smirked at her and Alexius was about a centimeter close to ignoring her father and going for Darius's throat. Jaron sighed before he looked at Imogen, "you take care of Darius, I'm going to have a word with Alexius."

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