Chapter 17

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Today was the day, they were going to have their final meeting to confirm the trade. Alexius had been waiting nervously all day, she really hoped that Hakkan would go through with all of this or her father was going to pull out of the trade if they didn't do it today. Alexius invited Cyrus to join the meeting and he agreed to, but he seemed sort of awkward around her today. "Alexius, it's time," Jaron said. Alexius nodded her and Cyrus  followed him to the meeting room where Hakkan was waiting inside. He was dressed really nicely, maybe he was finally going to take this trade seriously. Jaron, Alexius, and Cyrus sat in their chairs and waited patiently for Hakkan to announce the being of their meeting. "After some thought, King Jaron, I haven't quite come to a conclusion on I want yet, I have two ideas," Hakkan said, he always seemed so different when it came to meetings. "Can I see the list of thing you need?" Hakkan asked. Jaron nodded and handed him the papers. Hakkan read through them slower than expected, he seemed to actually pay attention now to what was going on. 

"I think that this is all good, but one problem, I can't trade weapon supplies," Hakkan said, putting the papers down on the table. "Why not? That's what my kingdom is in most of need right now, you know very good and well that Gelyn is planning to attack Carthya any day now!" Jaron rose from his chair. "I'm sorry Jaron but I can't afford to, our weapons are to important," Hakkan argued. The doors to the meeting room flung open, it was a messenger. "King Jaron! Carthya is in danger, Gelyn has declared war on Carthya and they have many troops that outnumber ours!" The messenger cried. Jarons faced quickly turned from anger to horror. Then Jaron turned to face Hakkan, "We needs those supplies more than ever now, Hakkan please, for Carthya's sake." Hakkan looked like he was about to say no, but then and idea seemed to pop in his head. A small smirk slowly grew on his face. "You know what, I'll let you have all that you want, including the weapon supplies and even more, under one condition," Hakkan said. Jaron studied him curiously for a moment. "What do you want?" Jaron asked. "Alexius," He said calmy. 

"What!?" Alexius yelled, standing up from her chair. Cyrus stood up to and stepped closer to Alexius as if to protect her. "Woah, calm down, no need to be hostile. Let me explain, I wan't Alexius to be my queen, simple. She's well taught, has many skills that would be useful to me. I know that will leave Carthya with no heir but I do have two ideas for that. You could either take Cyrus has your heir, he seems good enough. Or you could wait for Alexius and I to have a second child that we could raise to be the future ruler of Carthya!" Hakkan said happily. "What type of trade is that! I'm not selling off my daughter!" Jaron said, laying his hand on his sword handle. "You won't have her," Cyrus jumped to defend her. Hakkan laughed, "But Jaron, you need those supplies, you know you do." Jaron was furious and obviously didn't want to agree with him, but they really needed the supplies. "You're call," Jaron said, looking at Alexius with a sad expression on her face. 

"I, well," Alexius studdered, her role as princess was to do whats best for her kingdom, but something was keeping her from agreeing to this, like there was someone else waiting for her. She looked deep into Cryus's Icy blue-ish silver eyes. He looked straight back into her green eyes. He obviously didn't want her to agree, he was basically pleading her not to by the look in her eyes. She really wanted to say no, maybe because she loved someone else, someone who she was staring directly at, but she had a duty and that must come first before her feelings. 

"Fine, for Carthya's sake, I'll marry you monster," Alexis spat.

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