Chapter 14

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"Uh," Cyrus said awkwardly. "If you to wanted to go swimming you could of just told me, this kingdom is known for it's springs and beaches after all. If you want to go to one right now we can," Hakkan said. "Sure, I don't see why not?" Alexius said, Cyrus agreed with her. The three of them then made their way back to the palace to change.

"Mari, do you have something know.....covers my body more?" Alexius asked. Mari shook her head, "In our kingdom it's disrespectful for a woman, especially a princess, to fully cover their body when going out to swim." Alexius smiled awkwardly and then put the swimming suit on. It was a sparkly purple with many lenths of fabric that flowed from it. It was quite beautiful, but she wasn't sure about her arm, her scar was visible, and word had spread about her scar now, so she guessed that it wouldn't be that bad if it was visible.

She made her way to the main doors to meet with Hakkan and Cyrus. Hakkan was wearing what looked like a shawl around his waist and swimming trunks and it. Cyrus was wearing a pair of swimming trunks too with a unbuttoned shirt to show his bare chest. Alexius looked away from both of them, she could feel her face turing red and hot. Cyrus had noticed that her scar was visible and gave her a concerned look, but she ignored it. "Okay, were waiting on one more person," Hakkan said. Cyrus and Alexius stared at each other curiously. 

"I'm here! I'm glad that you let me tag along even if I just returned," Basically a girl version of Hakkan with feirce amber eyes, but her hair was more brown with blonde highlights. "Who's she?" Cyrus asked, pointing at her. "This is Seihera, she's my sister, she was away having a fun time in another kingdom and decided to show up unannounced and when she heard what we were doing she wanted to join us," Hakkan said, he obviously wasn't happy about that. "Hello there, I'm princess Alexius of Carthya," Alexius bowed before her. "Oh, I'm sorry for not completely introducing myself, bubby did it for me," Seihera apologized. "I'm Cyrus Nyoka of Carthya, I'm Princess Alexius's protector," Cyrus introduced himself as he bowed before her. "Oh, you're not a prince, what a shame, you're so handsome," She said. Cyrus thanked her awkwardly. "You know, I think I remember the name Alexius, the missing princes of Carthya! Oh my, what happened to you're arm?" Seihera gasped. "It was an accident when I was younger," Alexius explained.

They made their way down to a private spring with a beautiful waterfall. Alexius looked into the spring and noticed some fish swimming around in it. Alexius tested the temperature of the water, "It's freezing! Why didn't we go to a warm spring!" Hakkan rolled his eyes, "You're crazy to want to go to a hot spring in this kingdom, they're hotter than a volcano." Alexius awkwardly sighed an okay before slowly making her way into the water. "Watch out!" Seihera called out. She ran and jumped into the water from a small ledge. Alexius braced herself for the splash of water. Hakkan rolled his eyes at his sister again before her threw a ball at Cyrus. "Catch!" He called out to Cyrus. Cyrus quickly jumped into the moment and caught it. "Woohoo! That was fun!" Seihera said, emerging from the water. Alexius laughed at how Seihera's hair looked after she emerged from the water. "Don't mind my hair, it tends to have a mind of it's own," Seihera joked. Alexius laughed and she truly felt happy to be here.  

"Oh Alexius, you should jump off the edge! It's a whole lot of fun!" Seihera recommended. "Sure, I don't see why not," Alexius agreed. Seihera showed her the way up to the ledge and once she got their she realized that it was taller than she expected. "Watch you're step, it's slippery up here. Here I go!" Seihera said, diving down. She watched and Seihera splashed into the water and arose to the surface again after a second or two. "Okay, you jump now!" Seihera called out. Alexius smiled awkwardly at her as she crept forward to the ledge. "What? Are you scared to jump?" Hakkan laughed, Cyrus looked at him, a nger flashed in his eyes. "No, just let me get a running start," Alexius said. She started walking back and heard Seihera call something out to her, but she didn't quite catch what she was trying to say. 

Alexius looked at the ledge and started running forward. If she would've heard what Seihera said or payed attention to what she had said early, maybe this wouldn't have happened. As Alexius was running she had placed her foot wrong and slipped right off the edge and not into the water, no of course she didn't, she fell off the side where there was no water. She hopped that if she died from this, they would remember her as someone who didn't die from a stupid mistake.

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