Chapter 26 (and some extra stuff)

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So, um, today I was re-reading the first book and i realized a lot of things. First of all, the story was slightly confusing since I changed the plot of the story half way through lol. Besides that, I realized that I drifted away from what I originally wanted Alexius's design an attitude to be like, she was supposed to be very similar to Jaron, I'm also currently re-reading the Acendance trilogy to, so somethings will be fixed. In the next couple of chapter or so you'll probably notice a change in Alexius and her whole persona. Also, after I finish this book, I might go back and re-write the first and second book because they're are many errors that I want to fix and maybe just to make things more interesting too. So yeah, I'm open to opinions and suggestion on anything, NOW ONWARD WITH THE CHAPTER!!!!!!!!

   Alexius groaned in pain, her side ached really bad. She fumbled around her room, not sure what to do. Cyrus had gone to talk with Jaron, but never specified why. "Alexius, you should rest," Imogen's voice was full of concern. Imogen hadn't left her side since she woke up. "Mom, I can't just sit around, I need to move!" Alexius exclaimed. Imogen sighed, "you're just as bad as Jaron, he could never rest even when he was injured." Then a knock came from the door, someone who she hadn't seen in a long while walked in. "Uncle Darius?" Alexius asked. He held his arms out for her to hug him. She limped over to him quickly and hugged him, Darius being aware of the situation made sure to be careful when hugging her. 

   "How are you?" He asked. "Hardly living, in a lot of pain, you know, the normal," Alexius joked, but not about the being in pain part. "How bad is it?" Darius asked, looking over towards Imogen. "She's healing very quickly, but it's going to scar. No princess should have scars like she does, they shouldn't have scars at all," Imogen muttered the last part. Imogen did have a good point, it wasn't normal for her to have these scars. "Well my dear niece, I hope that it heals very quickly and you can be up and running around soon," Darius said with a warm smile to his face. 

   Darius then left the room, saying that he would come back in a bit. Alexius sat down on her bed, she had begun to feel weak. She then laid down and stared at her roof. "I'm going to go check on your father, I'll be back with him soon," Imogen said before she left the room. Once her mother was gone, she was finally alone with her thoughts. Alexius put her hand on her face and she felt as it grew hot. Just yesterday Cyrus had kissed her, she couldn't believe it, but she had gotten up so fast after being out for awhile the she ended up passing out in his arms. Alexius thought that was super embarrassing. She still couldn't believe that Cyrus felt the same for her, but then a lot was explained. It now made sense why Cyrus was so overprotective of her and his reaction to Hakkan. 

   Hakkan......she still had to marry him...she didn't want to and now more than ever she didn't want to. "Oh Cyrus, you must have felt horrible when he announced wanting to marry me," She whispered to herself. Just then in the next moment, Cyrus busted into her room. "ACK! What the heck! Haven't you heard of knocking?" Alexius jumped up out of her bed. Cyrus looked out of breath and his silver eyes were lit up with excitement. "Guess what! Hakkan broke of the engagement!" Cyrus cheered. Alexius studied him for a moment, trying to guess if this was supposed to be some sort of joke, but based on his face, it wasn't. "Why did he call it off?" Alexius asked as she approached Cyrus. "He broke it off because he thought you were a lost cause, he doesn't know that you've woken up yet," Cyrus explained. Alexius sighed in relief, she was used to being called a lost cause, but she was still slightly offended that Hakkan thought she was going to die.

  Cyrus hugged Alexius carefully, "How are you feeling?" Tired of people asking her that question, she ignored it and leaned deeper into the hug, his comfort was enough to make her feel better. "Princess Alexius, you've been requested into the meeting room," a servant said while bowing. Cyrus and Alexius looked at each other for a moment before Alexius started to head that way. "Wait, let me come with you, just in case," Cyrus said, walking up to her. "Fine," Alexius wasn't very fond of needing help. They quickly rushed over and entered into the meeting room quietly. The regents looked very upset with each other. Harlowe and Tobias both were trying to calm them down. Jaron sat in his throne at the middle of the room with Imogen to his side. Her father looked like he was about to throat punch all of them. Once everyone had noticed that they had entered, they all feel silent. "Princess! You were attacked by the king, shouldn't we go and destroy Gelyn for doing so?" a regent asked. Alexius was not ready to argue with regents today, but she guessed that she would have to.

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