Chapter 9

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~Jaron's POV~

Jaron sat down, a bit taken aback by what Tobias said. "I'm sorry Jaron....I shouldn't have said something like that," Tobias apologized. Jaron didn't say anything, he kept quiet and calsped his hands together on his desk. Jaron didn't want to admit that Tobias had a very good point, but Jaron didn't want to face the fact the his daughter, his only living child, hated him and wanted to runaway from her life and forget it all. "You're dismissed," Jaron said calm but coldy. Tobias's expression changed to an apologetic face, Roden left the room quickly, but cast a glance at Jaron before exiting his office. 

Jaron sighed loudly once both of them were gone. He was quite at a lost on what to do, but then he had one last idea. He would dress up as a commoner and see if he could find her himself, it wasn't his best friend, but he hoped that it would possibly work. After a bit of thinking, Jaron finally concluded on starting his plan tomorrow morning.

It was very early in the morning when Jaron snuck out of the castle. Jaron left a note for Imogen to see so she wouldn't be alarmed by not being able to find him in the castle. He grabbed a horse, known as Midnight, she was fast steed and rode out of Dylliad. Jaron wore a tan shirt that was tied with strings at the neck with brown pants and black boots. Jaron got his face a little dirty and messed up his hair so he wouldn't be all that noticeable. He also had a satchel with a cloak over it. 

Jaron was determined to find his daughter, he wouldn't stop at any cost to find her. He wasn't about to loose his last living child, and his first born at that. Jaron stopped by a river to get a drink. As he looked at the river, Jaron realized that he hadn't thought his plan out all that much. He could say that he was looking for his missing daughter, that could possibly work, but if he did find Alexius, what would she do?

He tried not to think about his worst fears of what could happen, but that was the only thing on his mind, along with a war that was coming soon. Jaron hoped that he wouldn't have to do the same thing that his father did to him, he hoped that he wouldn't have to put her through that same pain. After a bit of time, he had made it to the first orphanage, he was about to walk in when he got a realization about something. If Alexius did come to an orphanage, she would most likely go by a fake name, and Jaron had no clue what that name would be. He thought about any specific names that she liked, but couldn't think of any. "Crap! The devils must be laughing at me right now!" Jaron hissed to himself. Out of no where, everything faded to black.

Jaron jolted awake, he quickly looked around the room. "Why was I dreaming about that?" He asked himself. Looking outside the window, he noticed that he had most likely been asleep for a couple of hours. It seemed to be midnight now and was the proper time to go to sleep. Jaron fixed the papers on his desk. He changed into nightwear and rolled into his bed. All the lights were off and he continued to star at the roof. He really did wonder why he had that dream, maybe he just felt like him and Alexius were close like they used to be. She returned a couple of months ago after being missing for four years, so things have been awkward. Maybe he should spend the whole day with her tommorow. 

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