Chapter 47:Discussion,Decision,and Opinion

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm sitting with everyone including Benimaru's Father & Lord Nurarihyon,the Leaders all arrived and we've already had Yasaka checked out by a doctor.Right now Gyuki's explaining to those that weren't their what happened........
Gyuki:Afterwards Lee attempted to activate the secret power of the True Longinus,but was stopped by Ryo slapping him across the face with his tail.And as he tried to get up Ryo stomped on his head crushing it flat.
[Everyone seems slightly nervous hearing that]
Mikoto:Hmph the boy should've surrendered,he overestimated his and his people's power.
Nurarihyon:True,he should've had his comrades guard him so he could immediately use Truth Ideal instead of waiting until he was all alone.
Shiva:Indeed,the incantation to activate it puts a serious weakness on the power,but it does not matter now the boy and his team have been dealt with.
[Everyone slowly nods]
Amaterasu:In any case Yasaka(She look at her)we're currently all fighting against a group known as the Four Emperors we all had planned on coming to see if you'd be willing to join our alliance.Mikoto,Nurarihyon if you'd be willing to join us as well we would greatly appreciate it.
[They look at her]
Nurarihyon:Who are these emperors?
Me:Three of them are known at the moment(They look at me)the first is the Half Dragon Kaido,the Second is Muzan Kibutsugi Progenitor of the creatures that have come to be known as 'Demons',and third is Griffith the man who attempted to violate Lady Parvati as well as Jayanti and member of the group called 'The God Hand' which includes ah member whom had murdered one Lady Amaterasu's sons.(They look at me wide eyed)....And for the record Lord Mikoto,Lord Nurarihyon(They look at me)Griffith was also the one who attempted to rape 'Yui' in front of Jin and their kids.
[They look at me wide eyed before their eyes darken with anger]
Mikoto:*Serious*Well then we of the Kijin Clan will join the fight.
Nurarihyon:As will the Nura Clan.
[Rikou nods]
Yasaka:We shall as well.
Benimaru:Ryo(I look at him)I want to ask something regarding Griffith.
Me:What is it Benimaru?
Benimaru:When he attack Yui the reports say that he had multiple strange creatures with him,what were they exactly?
Vishnu:They're what's come to be known as 'The Corrupted'(They look at him)they're creatures which serve the God Hand.
[They slowly nod]
Hakurou:Is there any information on the Fourth Emperor?
Sirzechs:No,they seem to be staying out of the light and haven't made any moves that we know of.
Akaza:Could they possibly be leading the other three Emperors and manipulating them.
[We all look at one another and then at him]
Azazel:We hadn't thought of that.....tho if they are then their either extremely powerful or possibly possess some ability that lets them take control of people.
Me:I highly doubt Muzan,Griffith,or Kaido would willing serve anyone unless they had no other choice.
[They all slowly nod]
Indra:Let's start explaining everything we do know and decide what to do moving forward.
[Everyone nods and begins explaining what we do know about the Emperors & their power.....]

(Timeskip a Few Hours Later)
I'm standing outside the Royal Palace looking at the night sky just thinking."Who could the Fourth Emperor be?I can't really think of anyone that would willing work with the other three or have enough power to force them to do as they command.....Could they be ah God?But which God would do that?They would need to be in the Higher Echelon of power....but I can't imagine Aten,Ra,or Lugh....the only God I could imagine trying something even remotely this fucking dumb is Hades given his disdain for the Biblical Factions as well as his grudge against both Susanoo and Rudra"As I'm standing there looking up in the sky,I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder.I look seeing Benimaru..........
Benimaru:Is everything okay?
Me:Yeah just thinking about everything.....
Benimaru:Hmm......I have to admit Ryo you've grown even stronger than last time we saw each's kinda awe inspiring.(I look at him)Even after what that happened,you still want to help everyone,you don't want to be praised,you don't want wealth,you don't want any rewards,you just want to help everyone get along so the suffering stops.Hell the only time I've ever heard you say you want something is in regards to helping everyone get along and finding the bastard who killed your mother.......You aren't arrogant,you don't force your will on others,you don't fight unless you need to.......Honestly while I do consider you ah rival,I have to admit I admire that about you.
[I look at him]
?????:So do I(We look seeing RIkou)everything you've done,you've done for the sole purpose of helping everyone get along,to stop the bloodshed and suffering,quite frankly for most of the Factions and Pantheons you could've just as easily forced them to get along.But instead of using force,you used words,you guided them to the path that lead them to peace.......Even Gramps agrees that you're among the greatest Yokai in history.
[I look down thinking about that]
Me:Honestly.....I just never really cared about what others thought about me,I've never really wanted all that fancy shit,I'm fine with just living a normal life with those I hold dear to me.And I just wanted all the fighting to stop,it's been going on for fuck knows how long over petty & stupid shit from who knows how long ago.But because their so damn stubborn they couldn't stop it themselves,so I just decided to do it myself.
[They slowly nod]
Ganesha:That's why father respects you Ryo(We look seeing him,Zerofuku,and Buddha coming over to us)you're not a greedy person,you just want to help others and live a happy life.
Zerofuku:*Smiles*Yeah that's why Auntie Amaterasu loves you.
Buddha:*Smiles*There's few people that would have the willpower and determination to continue going after seeing what you saw Ryo.And there are even fewer that could see that & proceed to follow the same path you have Ryo.
[I look at him and then look up at the sky just thinking about everything......]

To Be Continued................

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