Chapter 55:Upcoming Trip & Special Little Demon

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm standing with the Leaders reporting what happened.Shuna,Kuroka,Mai,Emilia,Asia,Mihae,& Ravel are all working on healing Lady Lilith.As we're explaining everything Zeus looks at Thanatos.....
Zeus:You've always been independent,but what about Hypno will he be alright with this...he is quite loyal to your mother.
Thanatos:Yes,tho Hypno is almost always is asleep so he won't be a issue.
[They nod]
Brahma:Ryo(I look at him)did the sword work properly?
Me:*Nods*Yep,if it weren't for it then the fight would've been far more annoying so thank you Lord Brahma.
Brahma:Of course.
Amaterasu:So what should we do with the captured Gods?
[They all look at one another and I look down thinking about something]
Yasaka:We can simply seal them,tho it would need to be a powerful seal.
Sirzechs:Ajuka,Azazel do either of you think you can make a seal strong enough to strong enough to contain them?
Ajuka:Yes tho it would take some.....
Me:Actually I have ah idea(They look at me)I know someone that could probably make ah containment device that can hold them for us relatively easy.Tho.....(I look at Michael)I'mma need ah bit of help Michael.
Michael:*Surprised*Of course how can I help?
Me:Well Heaven still has strong ties to the Royal Family of England right?
Me:Well among the members of the Queen's Royal Guard is a guy named 'Benjamin' who possesses the sacred gear 'Unknown Dictator'.Using his sacred gear and with some help from Azazel & Ajuka he should be able to make the containment devices relatively easily.
[They all seem surprised and nod]
Old Geezer:*Raised Eyebrow*What were you doing in England?
Me:......You really want the answer to that question?(Everyone nods)I was hanging out with members of the Hellsing Family.
Shiva:*Raised Eyebrow*Let me guess you mean Vlad right?
[He,Lord Brahma,Lord Vishnu,and Lord Rudra all nod knowing who he is.....]

Rudra:Actually having him on our side could be quite you think you could persuade them to join us?
[I look at him and look up at the ceiling]
Me:Well last time I talked with him he was still having ah Dick Measuring Contest with Chris's Dad.....But I probably could if I spoke with Lady Integra and told her what's up....Hell Chris could probably get his Dad on our side to.
[He nods]
Azazel:Just outta curiosity who are you talking about?
[They all look at me blankly before going bug eyed while Buddha bursts out laughing while those of us that knew just stand there....]

(Timeskip a Few Days Later)
I'm walking down the street heading to the Demon Slayer Corp. Base to see Ubuyashiki & Amaterasu.Apparently something happened that they wanted my opinion on,I'm not sure what it is but I'm guessing it has ta do with demons.As I'm walking I see the front gate and walk thru the door seeing ah kid with a wooden box on his back....

As I'm walking I see the front gate and walk thru the door seeing ah kid with a wooden box on his back

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I raise a eyebrow not recognizing him while also noticing someone's inside the box from their chi.As I look at them Sanamei attacks him grabbing the wooden backpack.He goes to stab it but I get behind him before grabbing his wrist stopping him.He looks at me and I wack him in the back of the leg with my tail before taking the box.....
Me:Sanamei.....the fuck?
Obanai:There's a Demon in that box.
[I look up at him and then at the box,I raise a eyebrow and walk over setting it in the shade where no sunlight is.Then I open the box seeing a kid inside.......]

[She looks at me and I look at her at blankly,before looking at Sanamei & Obanai]Me:She's ah fucking kid

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[She looks at me and I look at her at blankly,before looking at Sanamei & Obanai]
Me:She's ah fucking kid.
Sanamei:And she's still ah....
Me:And she hasn't fully transformed dumbass(They're surprised)she literally looks like ah normal kid.Meaning either A-She's a new type of Demon which we'd need to learn more about or B-There's something special about her that granted her a higher resistance to the infection making her extremely valuable in the fight against Muzan.
Obanai:Even so we are meant to exterminate demons so....
Me:You attack her I slap you.
[He looks at me and Sanamei rushes at me with his sword only for me to slap him with my tail sending him bouncing on the ground going about ten feet away.Then the others all start showing up]
Giyu:When I found her originally,her brother protected her and when I struck him she attacked me and then stood in front of him protecting him.
[I look at him]
Shinobu:I wonder how she could be maintaining control.
[The boy runs over to me and the kid with him checking to make sure she's okay,I hear her name is 'Nezuko'.But I walk over to the others letting them be]
Me:Either way she could definitely help us in the fight,hell if we find out how she's resisting control and prevented her transformation we may be able to create a medicine to revert people back from being turned.
Amaterasu:My thoughts exactly Ryo.
[We look at seeing her and Ubuyashiki coming outside]
Ubuyashiki:The young lady is certainly special,no one has ever been show to be resistant to the Demon King's Blood to the point they maintain control and their humanity.
[I nod]
Mitsuri:Maybe it's because she loves her brother that much she could stay in control.
[We look at her and I look at the two siblings]
Me:True....most of those who were turned where people forgotten or thrown away by society.Or people who nothing to it possible that a person can fight the blood if they have a strong enough will.....but then again it maybe just like any other disease with her just having a higher tolerance capable of fighting against it.....
Gyomei:Or a mixture of both.
[I nod]
Me:Hmm.....either way(I look at Ubuyashiki & Amaterasu)the girl's innocent so she shouldn't be treated as just another demon.
[I nod and then we all head inside to discuss what's up with the kid carrying the box containing his sister coming with us......]

To Be Continue..................

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