Chapter 59:Surprise & Gathering

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(Ryo's Pov)
We go thru the magic circle and arrive at a large castle with a fence around it,we look at it and then the gate opens.We look at the gate as dozens upon dozens of Vampire Guards rush out they all point their weapons at us....
Me:How bout you all get the fuck out of our way instead.
[They look at me]
Vampire Guard 2:If you refuse to surrender we'll execute you all right....
[He's stopped as time stops with only me,Chris,and Gasper being unaffected.Then Knives come down from the sky just as time restarts and pierce right thru the top of the Vampir Guards' Foreheads]
Chris:*Smiles*Hey Dad!
[We look up seeing him with ah woman.....]

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Dio:*Smirks*Christopher it's good to see you(He looks at me),Ryo I've heard about what you've been up to it's truly is always amusing with you around

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Dio:*Smirks*Christopher it's good to see you(He looks at me),Ryo I've heard about what you've been up to it's truly is always amusing with you around.
[I shrug]
Me:Eh I try.
[He nods and then notices Alucard,the pair just look at each other]
Nikki:Oh lord not again please,we have shit ta do.
?????:Nicole that you?
[We look at the woman]
Nikki:*Tilts Head*Do I know you?
Dio:Hmm so she's that thing's relative Maria?
Maria:Yes she's the daughter of his Eldest Sister.
[We look at her and I look at Nikki who's looking at her wide eyed]
Nikki:*Wide Eyed*W-Wait.....M-Maria....As...As in...
[She nods and then bows]
Maria:My name's Maria Rosary,tho my married name was Maria Vladi(We look at her wide eyed)I was the wife of Edward Vladi.
[I look at Gasper who's looking at her wide eyed with tears in his eyes]
Chris:*Wide Eyed*Dad(He looks at her)....uh.....I uh...
Dio:What is it Christopher?
Chris:*Wide Eyed*D-Did you revive her by chance?
Dio:Hmm....yes I did,I've known her for many years but she ended up disappearing and I found out she was in the Vladi Clan's Territory.I went to go see her and found she had died during childbirth so I revived her by turning her into a Vampire.(Maria shows her now pointed fangs)Why?
All of Us:*Wide Eyed*........
Me:Whelp fuck me this uh....this caught me guard....shit....
[They look at me confused and I step to the side giving them a better sight line to Gasper who's crying.Upon seeing him Maria's eyes widen as tears form in her eyes]
Nikki:*Wide Eyed/Crying*G-Gasper?.....Is.....Is that really?
[He nods she immediately rushes over and hugs him,we go over to Dio watching the reunion]

Dio:So he was with the devils?
[Alucard leans over and whispers into his ear explaining what happened,upon hearing that Dio is clearly fucking livid]
Alucard:Then he tried to attack my master and I killed him.
Dio:....Hmph this may be the first and only time you hear me say this,but.....thank you.
[Alucard nods before we hear multiple roars,we turn seeing a bunch of dragons flying thru a magic circle above the castle]
Me:Yeah no(I put my hands together and use a attack)Ka-Me-HA-Me-HAAAA!
[It fires and everyone sees the difference in power from the one Koneko uses......]

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