Chapter 63:Other Heirs & Battle Plans

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(Ryo's Pov)
I'm laying in bed starring at the ceiling just relaxing,yesterday Suzaku arrived and since then she's gotten along with everyone.Barquiel and Shuri came by to see her,I also may or may not have cashed in a favor to a buddy in Kyoto who runs a nice resturant to sent them up for a nice dinner together.Which they were pretty happy with,meanwhile the others asked me how I had so many connections.I responsible by pointing out how I left the Clan's Mountain at eleven and have basically just been going around doing shit for people.While also keeping a eye on Bikou to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.Anyways the girls have brought up the topic of Suzaku and me yet,but I'm expecting them to.Along with Akeno and Xenovia,anyways as I'm laying their there's a knock on the door.
Me:Open(It opens and Bikou comes in)what's up?
Bikou:Uh.....we got more visitors.
[I raise a eyebrow before noticing the new people,I recognize them but don't remember who they are.So I stand up and head down stairs with Bikou,we go down stairs before entering the living room seeing four familiar faces.....]

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[I immediately stop and just look at Seiryuu]Me:

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[I immediately stop and just look at Seiryuu]
[They look at me]
Genbu:*Smiling*Hi Ryo.
Me:*Smiling*Hey Genbu,Sup Ouryuu
Ouryuu:*Bows*It's nice to see you again.
[I nod and then look at Byakko]
Me:Byakko(He looks at me)don't break anything or pick on anyone alright.
Byakko:Fine,but(He looks at Tsubaki)it's been awhile Tsubaki.
Tsubaki:Y-Yes it has Byakko.
Byakko:....Good ta see you're doing alright(She's surprised)your parents have missed you.
[Tsubaki's surprised and Byakko just walks over to the open bar getting ah drink,while I turn my attention to Seiryuu]
Seiryuu:Hello Ryo....
Me:Hello Seiryuu.....
Everyone Else:......
[As Seiryuu and I just stare at each other Amaterasu & Susanoo appear thru a magic circle along with Yasaka,Kunou,Ubuyashiki,and the Hashiras.Amaterasu immediately goes between us....]
Amaterasu:Okay you two no need to fight.
Seiryuu:*Bows*Of course Lady Amaterasu.
Me:*Clicks Tongue*Fine....But what's going on exactly?
Ouryuu:Lady Amaterasu informed us of what was going on and we wanted to make sure that Suzaku arrived here safely.
[I slowly turn towards Suzaku who just looks away whistling]
Me:.....*Eye Twitches*
Kuroka:*Confused*I take it you and that guy don't get along huh?
Me:I'll work with Seiryuu when I have to,but otherwise I wanna throw him off a cliff.
Seiryuu:The feeling is mutual.
Me:Difference is you'd die,while I'd just walk away.
Seiryuu:Becase you're a thief who stole from the Jade Emperor.
Me:Ah yes a thief that can and has bitch smacked all five of the Principal Clans.
[He glares slightly at me,I glare at him]

[Everyone just looks at us as the rest of the Leaders' arrive,they see us and just stare

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[Everyone just looks at us as the rest of the Leaders' arrive,they see us and just stare....]
Seiryuu:*Agitated*You've always been such a disrespectful monkey.
Me:*Agitated*Says the bigoted wannabe Lizard
Ddraig:Why do I feel offended?.
Albion:Don't know but same.
Shiva:Ehem.(We look at him)you two can fight later,for now we have something to discuss.
Me:*Defeated Sigh*Understood Lord Shiva.
Seiryuu:If that is Lady Amaterasu's wish.
[She nods and we all sit down]
Azazel:Alright I'll begin(We look at him)recently we've discovered the location of one of the Upper Moons.
[I turn serious]
Me:*Serious*Any idea which one?
Azazel:No,but we've confirmed at least one of them is there but given everything it's possible there are more than one.
Nikki:Would make since.
Elmenhilde:Especially given Hades defeat and Rizevim joining our side.
Mahabali:At least one of them was one of the ones that attacked the Jade Emperor.
[I look at him and then down at the ground]
Amaterasu:We're planning to move in on the location,the problem is it's in a fairly public space.
Emilia:*Raised Eyebrow*Where?
Buddha:The Red Light District in Tokyo.
[Upon hearing this Azazel,Odin,Issei,and Saji all shoot up]

[We all slowly look at the four of them,I look over at Bikou noticing the jealous look in his eyes as he glares at them.Which is swiftly replaced with fear as Mia glares at him.Sona and Rias both smack the shit out of Saji & Issei,while Lady Lilith grabs Azazels by the ear glaring at him]
Zeus/Odin:....I'm still up to go.
Karlamine:Why the hell would ah demon be there of all places
Me:To eat horny bastards that come ta get laid.(They look at me).....What?
Indra:He's not wrong.
Odin:I just remembered I'm needed in Asgard and so retract my previous statement.
Alucard:I'll go....
[We look at him and he transforms....]

Girlycard:Sounds like fun

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Girlycard:Sounds like fun.
Me:Honestly forgot you could do that.....
Bikou:Hey bro can't you....
[He looks down as everyone looks at me]
Me:It's Nothing,Moving On....So Zeus and Girlycard going,I'll go because I can control myself and can actually kill those fuckers,who else?(Tengen and Rengoku raise their hands)Okay Tengen and Rengoku anyone else?....Issei,Saji put your hands down you're not allowed ta go unless Rias and Sona give you premission.
[They ook down defeated and lower their hands]
Azazel:....I'll still go,so will Vali and Bikou.
[Azazel winks at Bikou who smiles
Bikou:*Bows*If that's your wish Aza....
[He's interrupted by Mia wrapping him up in her spider thread,he looks seeing her pissed off expression.Then she just drags him away going up stairs]
Emilia:*Annoyed Sigh*I'll go put up the barrier.
[I nod and she goes up stairs]
Me:....*Sigh*Before we continue does anybody else need ah drink?
Vishnu:*Raised Eyebrow*When did you start drinking?
[I look at him and then slowly look over at Susanoo & Buddha,who look away whistling.Then I just get up to go get ah drink....]

To Be Continue........................

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