Comfort In The Trees

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Ivy ran to the forest branches snapping under each step animals running everywhere bunnys mostly and birds flying around. With each step a tear fell they hit the forest floor louder than her feet she ran until she came to her favorite tree and she flung her self against it and sobbed. Her whole day flashed before her from the morning with Cyrus the bus ride with Zack. The day was like a flashlight it was on and off, good and bad, there was no perfect in between but then she thought if you balance a switch in the middle a spark will eventually catch and everything will light fire.
Ivy began screaming because she was in a big open forest and what else was there to do she just screamed her voice cracking, shaking, and getting caught in her throat. "I'm S...So So S..Sorry." She wasn't sure who she was saying sorry to her friends herself or maybe even Cyrus's Grandma, but she partly knew it was to the forest for disturbing its calm and peaceful air. Ivy slowly reached her hand up and grabbed the branch of the tree pulling herself she climbed up two more branches and saw a figure of a boy, she crouched down on the branch and it was Zack she wiped away her tears and said.
"Hey Zack." She startled him she could tell because he jumped a little and she giggled. "What are you doing here?" She questions him.
"First off you scared me and second." He paused for a second trying to come up with an answer. "I'm uh here for the uhh trees." Ivy shook her head and sighed
"Most people don't come to a forest for the trees. So what's the real reason." Ivy said this in a very smug tone. Zack sensed it because he winced he knew she was still mad and he didn't want to make it worse. He looked down his dark hair was a mess like he ran his hands over it millions of times. He looked back up and he slowly began to talk.
"Look I'm sorry and I just think you need someone better than Cyrus because he turned to Roxy and he knows you hate her soooo I just...just wanted to say sorry." He started to walk away and Ivy felt a smile form across her face he was trying to protect her and she was being unreasonable.
"Zack" she said this with a bitter sweetness in her voice. He turned around and they looked at each other eyes locking Zack saw they light in her eyes and he blushed slightly "I forgive you and if anyone should be saying sorry its me so I'm sorry."

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